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The functions of plant roots are:

Anchorage. The roots anchor the plant in place and prevent it from moving, being blown over or washed away by water.

Absorption of water and dissolved nutrients from the soil. Root hairs increase the surface area of the roots system as a whole and enable it to absorb large amounts of water from the soil.

Absorption of oxygen. Most of the oxygen required by the plant is actually absorbed from the soil and not directly from the atmosphere via the leaves and stoma. A lack of oxygen in the soil can cause the root system to degenerate and die - and the plant along with it. When plants are over-watered, the water replaces the pore spaces in the soil, creating anaerobic conditions, stunting or killing the plant.

Storage. Certain types of plants have roots which perform an additional function of storage (both water and food), for example the potato, yam, beetroot and Protoasparagus.

Roots also provide home or host sites for bacteria and fungi which can assist in the breakdown and assimilation of nutrients from the soil. For example nitrogen fixing bacteria which are found in the root nodules of most legumes.,

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To take in nutrients from the soil.

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Q: What is the function of a trees roots?
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