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Q: Where do pine trees get most moisture from roots or needles?
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Do most trees in the taiga biome have needles throughout the year?

Most have needles through year

Do softwood trees have cones and needles?

Most do.

What kinds of vegetation grows in mediterranean climates?

in the the Mediterranean dry or no tropical plants grow in the Mediterranean like chaparral, or shrubs and short trees. Most plants that live in the Mediterranean climate have thick barks, long roots to reach the water and small thin leaves (needles) to reduce moisture loss. Most plants flower in the winter for that is when most of the precipitation happens.

Do pine trees lose their leaves in winter?

No, pine trees do not have leaves. They have pine needles that have a waxy coat on them. People refer to them as pine leaves sometimes, but that isn't what they are.

What is the only tree with bundled needles?

Pine trees themselves can be identified because they are the only trees that have bundled needles: groups of needles wrapped firmly together at one end. Most olny have up to seven needles in a bundle!

How many months a year do most conifers have leaves?

they normally keep their leaves all year long due to the constant fertilization and moisture in the tree roots and the leaves

Whats an evergreen tree?

Evergreen refers to trees that normally retain most of their foliage (needles) through the winter. Trees that do shed their leaves are known as deciduous.

A tree is near a pond Which direction are its roots most likely growing?

the roots would grow toward the trees to get its food and water

What roots do in transpiration?

No, roots do not transpire. Most transpiration occurs in the stems and the leaves of plants. The bigger the leaf, the more moisture will transpire from the plant.

What are the evergreen softwood trees that keep all there needles all year round called?

They are called evergreens , most of them are conifers.

What kind of tree absorb water through their roots?

There are a variety of types of trees that absorb a lot of water. One of the most popular trees is the weeping willow.

What do you call a low stunted tree?

What are stunted trees? They're trees that have roots that are upturned and above ground, they can be on edges of hills (most common).