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The developing chick inside the egg needs air once its lungs develop, this reserve air sac allows the chick to breathe and gives them room to maneuver when it is time to peep (break out of the shell).

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14y ago
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8y ago

it protects the chic while developing inside the egg The function of a shell is so the baby does not get harmed and the shell has all the things the baby needs like nutrients enclosed inside of it so that way they can grow inside of it with the basics that they need to survive in the egg

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13y ago
  • The shell of an egg contributes to successful embryogenesis in many ways, such as
    • Protection (for the embryo)
    • respiration (allows the passages of certain gasses so that the embryo can breathe) and
    • water exchange.
  • The shell is also the major source of calcium for the development of high-calcium consuming organs, e.g. the skeleton, muscles and brain.
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10y ago

The shell serves several functions, the primary one is to protect the pre-hatchling. It also is gas-permeable, allowing oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass for proper respiration.

Bird, reptiles, and other egg-bearing animals do not have a womb to incubate their offspring, so they create artificial "wombs" that reside outside of the female. There are several reasons for this: perpetuation of the reproductive line in the event of the female's demise, complications of multiple births (which these animals usually do), creating an environment to determine the needed gender*, being able to hide the offspring until they can care for themselves, etc.

*At least for chickens, the gender is neutral for a while. Based on the environment, the egg will produce a cock or a hen. If the temperature is higher, a cock is produced; if the temperature is low, a hen is produced. How and why this happens is a simple self-regulation. If a cock is around, it picks on the hen, thus lowering the temperature and generating a hen. If the cock is absent, the hen will brood longer, raising the temperature and yielding a cock. This is one of nature's ways of balancing the hen house.

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15y ago

To house and protect the organism, until it is capable of breaking out.

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15y ago

The purpose of an eggshell is to protect the embryo.

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12y ago

So that when you grow a chick it can breathe

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Q: What is the function of the air space in an egg shell?
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Egg shell function?

The chickens egg shell is comprised of calcified shell and shell membranes called vitaline including inner and outer membranes. The organic matter of an egg shell contain proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, Uronic acid, calcium carbonate (94%) and magnesium carbonate.

How does oxygen and carbon dioxide get in and out of an amniotic egg?

The entire shell of the egg is covered in tiny little pores which allows for the passage of air and water into and out of the egg. The shell itself is recognized as a semi-permiable membrane. There is a chamber between the inner and outer soft membranes of the eggs (located just under the shell) that is actually hollow; it's an air cell. It grows as the chick does, surprisingly, but that's because as the chick gets older, it requires more CO2 to be transferred out of the egg, while allowing enough fresh oxygen to enter into the egg. The chick doesn't actually breathe into this chamber, the gasses are exchanged via an organ called the "allantois". This organ is responsible to handling liquid wastes and exchanging gases from the egg's air cell to the chick.

What is the function of the egg cell?

The function of an egg cell is to join with a sperm cell to create a new being after the parents.

What is function of egg cell?

The function of an egg cell is to join with a sperm cell to create a new being after the parents.

What should happen when a egg has its shell carefully removed and is then placed in salt water?

It floats. the whole egg floats if you put it in salt water.

Related questions

What is what is the function of the air space in egg?

The developing chick inside the egg needs air once its lungs develop, this reserve air sac allows the chick to breathe and gives them room to maneuver when it is time to peep (break out of the shell).

What is the function of the air space in an egg?

The developing chick inside the egg needs air once its lungs develop, this reserve air sac allows the chick to breathe and gives them room to maneuver when it is time to peep (break out of the shell).

What is found in the space between the membrane and the shell of an egg?

There is a inner and outer membrane are between an egg shell and the egg white. The membranes are separated by an air cell.

Parts of an egg?

There are five main part of a hens egg, the outer shell, the albumen or egg white, the yolk, there is a membrane between the albumen and the shell and an air space at the fat end of the egg.

Why does the egg float?

cause in the egg-shell there is air ! !

What caused the egg to float?

If you mean an egg in the shell, there is a small amount of air in the shell along with the egg. That acts as a float.

What is the function of the leathery shell for a reptile egg?

The leathery shell of a reptile egg is to simply protect the eggs from any predators.

Why is there a space at the end of a chicken's egg?

This space is the reserve air that a developing chick will use just before hatching. As the chick peeps the inner membrane of the shell on day 21, that small amount of air will sustain it until it can open a hole in the outer membrane and hard shell.

What do you call the lining inside the shell of an egg and what are its functions?

There are actually two linings inside an egg shell. They are called the vitelline membranes and keep the yolk intact while it makes its way through the oviduct. The membranes also function as a protective barrier to allow for air and moisture to penetrate the egg shell but keep out disease and bacteria.

What is the function of the eggwhite?

Egg white holds the position of the embryo in the core (middle) of an egg shell.

How does a chick get oxygen while developing inside the egg?

Like all embryos, a chicken in the egg does not require air to breathe until such time (approximately day 19) when their lungs develop enough to use the small amount they need. When it is first laid, the egg is full of yolk and albumen. At that time there is no air space as it is not required. The egg shell is porous. Moisture is lost through the shell over time and the moisture is replaced by air. When we breed chickens on the farm, we keep the small end of the egg up so the air collects above the developing chick. This air will be used by the fully formed chick inside the egg while it "PIPS" its way out of the shell at day 21.

What is an egg shell?

the shell of an egg