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Physical support to aerial system and absorbing water and minerals to plant.

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Q: What is the function of the roots in an angiosperm?
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Does a angiosperm have roots?

yes angiosperms have roots yes angiosperms have roots

What is the function of the is an angiosperm?


What is function of an angiosperm flower?

An angiosperm is a flowering plant. The flower is how the plant reproduces sexually. This allows for hybridzation and variation. Plants that reproduce by spores have less variation.

What are three similarities between algae and angiosperm?

Both have chlorophyll, cell walls, roots or holdfasts, vascular tissues

How do dandelion roots differ from roots of grass?

the dandelion roots differ from roots of grass by different function

What will happen to the roots if the tissues are damaged?

the roots will not function well.

What will happened to the roots if the tissues are damage?

the roots will not function well.

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Are acacia trees angiosperm or gymnosperm?

The pin oak ( quercus palustris ) is an angiosperm.

What is the specialized function of turnip?

lized function the roots of turnip

What is the function of the 3N tissue of an angiosperm?

Firstly, it is tied directly to it being 'a post fertilization structure'. Secondly

Is a huckleberry bush a angiosperm or a gymnosperm?

It is an angiosperm as it is a seed bearing floweringplant.