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The gap in cat's ears are formed to allow them to be more mobile. Most cats ears extend upwards, but cats may bend their ears down too.

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Q: What is the gap of skin in cats ears?
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Why do dogs and cats move their ears. How does the shape of their ear help them to hear sounds?

dogs and cats move their ears to hear from where the sound id comming.the ears of cats and dogs are out so when the sound waves hit the outside of the ears it rebounds back into the ears.

Do cats have ears?

Yes, they do.

What is the shape of cats ears?

A cat's ears are that of a triangle shape.

What does it mean when cats ears are warm?

It just means the cat is warm. A cat's ears are full of tiny veins and hair which keep it at a regular temperature. However, the tips of a cat's eats have less heat regulation; the ear tips can feel cold if the cat has been in a cold room.

What does it mean when cats have yellow on their ears?

it means they are cats with yellow stuff on their ears.

How many ears do cats have?

Cats, like all other land mammals, have two ears.

Are your cats ears supposed to be all white inside?

No, your cats' ears are not supposed to be all white inside. A healthy cat should have pink inner ears.

Why do cats and dogs have ears?

To hear

How are cats ears protected?

by but hair

What cats have tufted ears?


Why do stray cats have clipped ears?

Cats have pointy ears, because it helps them hear better. It's the same reason humans have forward facing eyes, 3d representation of the environment around them. By having ears facing forward, cats not only have 3D vision, but 3D sound.

What cat has a little tuft of fur on top of their ears?

Cats with curled ears are called American Curls. This is a genetic trait. Do NOT try to straighten the ears. They will break. This cats ears are stiffer because the have more cartilage in the ears than other breeds of cats. Google the breed for more info.