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describe the general trend in size going from top to bottom of any group or family

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Q: What is the general trend within a family or a group?
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What trend can be seen in the mass of atoms or elements within a family?

Within a family or group of periodic table the atomic mass increases from top to bottom.

Why does rubidium not follow the general trend of ionization energy in its group?

I suppose that this trend is normal.

What cause trend in chemistry?

what does a group/family have of elements have in common

What is the trend in electron affinity of elements within a group?

decreases from top to bottom

What trend in electronegativity do you see as you go down a group-family on the periodic table?

Electronegativity decrease down in a group.

What trend do you see in the relative electronegativity values of elements within a group?

It decreases from top to bottom!

What is the general trend in ionization energies of elements in the same chemical family?

Chemical families are also known as the columns on the periodic tables. The general trend is that the amount of energy required to lose an electron decreases as you move down a column, or chemical family.

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In the group 2 (IUPAC name) of the periodic table the atomic radius increase from beryllium to radium.

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going down a group, electronegativity decreases going across a period, electronegativity increases

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A sociocultural trend refers to a pattern of change in beliefs, values, behaviors, and practices within a society or culture. These trends can emerge from various factors such as technology, politics, media, and demographics, and can have a significant impact on the way individuals interact and behave within their social environment.

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A trend line.

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Simplicity best describes the general trend in 20th century architecture.