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Within a family or group of Periodic Table the Atomic Mass increases from top to bottom.

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Q: What trend can be seen in the mass of atoms or elements within a family?
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What is the general trend within a family or a group?

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What is the trend in electron affinity of elements within a group?

decreases from top to bottom

What trend do you see in the relative electronegativity values of elements within a group?

It decreases from top to bottom!

What is the general trend in ionization energies of elements in the same chemical family?

Chemical families are also known as the columns on the periodic tables. The general trend is that the amount of energy required to lose an electron decreases as you move down a column, or chemical family.

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What elements don't follow the trend for ionization energy?

There are two main elements that do not follow the trend for ionization energy. Those two elements are both Boron and Oxygen.

What is the trend that the elements on the periodic table abide by?

The trend from left to right is from metallic to nonmetallic to inert; the trend from top to bottom is from light to heavy.

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What is the trend in ionic radius from left to right within a period?

Atomic radius

Which arrangement of elements represents an increasing trend of electronegativity?

Electronegativity is the attraction of bonding electrons by an atom. As the size of the atom increases, so does the distance from the nucleus to any other atom's electrons. Electronegativity increases as you go right within a period or up within a group.

What does the order of discovery suggest about the trend in reactivity of the elements in group 0?

it is less common