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an organism genetically identical to its parent, unless mutation occurs. Even in the case of mutation, there is less genetic diversity than there would be in sexual reproduction.

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Q: What is the genetic outcome of asexual reproduction?
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What is the outcome of asexual reproduction?

What is a purpose of asexual reproduction?

To maintain the genetic stability

What are the genetic variations with asexual reproduction?

sex is always the answer.

What is the source of genetic variation in asexual reproduction?


The creation of offspring carrying genetic information from just a single parent is called?

Asexual reproduction.

Asexual reproduction increases genetic variation-the raw material on which natural selection operates?

Asexual reproduction decreases genetic variation which is the raw material on which natural selection operates. This is because asexual reproduction produces identical offspring to the parent.

Which produces genetic variation asexual or sexual reproduction?


Do asexual reproduction occurs only in microorganisms?

No. Many plants and animals do reproduce by asexual means. But there is no exchange of genetic material in this type of reproduction.

Sexual reproduction contributes to genetic diversity in offspring more than asexual reproduction?


What kind of reproduction leads to large populations lacking genetic diversity and consisting of genetically identical organisms?

Asexual reproduction because in asexual reproduction, the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. One of the advantages of asexual reproduction is large population because in asexual reproduction, only one parent is involved. The types of organisms that have asexual reproduction are: Algae, yeasts, and protozoans.

Which breeding system reduces genetic variation in a population?

Asexual reproduction.

How does sexual reproduction affect genetic traits?

Asexual reproduction impacts genetic variation by limiting future genetic change to mutations only; sexual reproduction allows future generation to mix in a nearly infinite range of phenotypes (external appearance).