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In the nucleus of each cell in the human body (excluding gametes [23]) there are 46 chromosomes, these chromosomes consist of lots of different genes that all join up together (A to T, G to C) and each gene has a code for a certain part of your body.

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Chromosomes, found in the nucleus, hold genetic information in the form of DNA.

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Q: What is the genetic structures located within the nucleus called?
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Cell structures that carry the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells?

Cell structures that carry the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells are called chromosomes. Spindles are cell structures composed of microtubule fibers.

A threadlike genetic material called chromatin is located within the?

In the inter-phase nucleus of the cell is located a threadlike genetic material called chromatin.

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Genetic material, composed of DNA that is packaged into string-like structures called chromatin, makes up a region called the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus of a cell.In eukaryotes, the genetic material is found within the nucleus of the cell in a form of chromatins. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is suspended in a region known as nucleoid and also contains circular DNA called plasmids.

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The nucleus of a cell contains threadlike structures that contain genetic material called chromosomes.

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The Nucleus

Within your cells the genetic material that controls your traits is located in an organelle called...?

The Nucleus

What is the code contained within the nucleus of a cell?

The nucleus of a cell contains genetic material in the form of DNA and RNA. DNA is packed into highly condensed structures called chromosomes. RNA is able to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm.

When genetic material is not contained inside a nucleus what is it called?

Incipient nucleus

What is DNA and where is it found?

polynucleotide that contain genetic material that found in nucleus .

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What is the nucleolus and genetic material called?

The nucleolus and genetic material form the nucleus.

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In the DNA, which is located in the nucleus