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depends... were they homozygous or heterozygous?

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Q: What is the genotype ratio for a father with dimples and a mother with no dimples?
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What is the expected genotypic ratio among children born to a mother having the genotype IAiO and a father with the phenotype A?

The mother will produce two types of gametes: IA and IO (mother is A) The father is AB his genotype is IAIB, thus he will produce these kind of gametes: IA and IB Four combinations are possible IA from Mother and IA from Father: The child has genotype IAIA and he has blood group A IO from Mother and IA from Father: The child has genotype IAIO and he has blood group A IA from Mother and IB from Father: The child has genotype IAIB and he has blood group AB IO from Mother and IB from Father: The child has genotype IBIO and he has blood group B Thus the phnotypic ratio is blood group A:B:AB = 2:1:1

What is the expected phenotypic ratio among children born to a mother having the genotype IAiO and a father with the phenotype AB?

Because the actuality of IAIA is actually A then the father would be type A and the mother being type O they would produce children of Type A blood type. For the answer I chose A) A... I just had this on my Bio exam.

What would be the phenotype ratio and genotype ratio in the offesprings in the f2 generation?

For monohybrid cross the genotype ratio in f2 generation would be 1:2:1 and phenotype ratio would be 3: 1

What is the genotype ratio of the offspring in 6.15?

Suck dickkk bitchh

What is the ratio of a baby being male or female?

The ratio of a human baby being a male to being a female is 1:1.That means that the baby has a 50% of being a male, and a 50% of being a female.A male human has the genotype of XY.A female human has the genotype of XX.Some mutated organisms have an XXY or XYY for a genotype.

What does genotypic ratio mean?

genotype means genetic make up. it can give the information about the parents wether they were homozygous or heterzygousAnswer (Improved)A genotypic ratio is the proportion of genotypes found in individuals after a cross. For example, consider a cross between two heterozygous individuals for trait A: Aa X AaThe result is a 1:2:1 ratio for the genotypes AA, Aa, and AA respectively. Put another way, if the parents had 100 offspring, 25 would be expected to have the genotype AA, 50 the genotype Aa and 25 the genotype AA.This is hard Good Luck

When crossing a Rr genotype with a rr genotype what will the ratio of RR to rr be in the resulting generation?

50%Rr to 50%rr

What becomes of a YY genotype?

In mice the YY genotype is lethal during embryonic development. This means that the mating of heterozygous individuals will produce a ratio of 2:1 Yy to yy offspring.A 'YY' genotype is homozygous dominant for that particular trait. If it is Yy, it will be heterozygous.

What are all the possible gametes of an individual with the genotype Aabb?

Ab and ab There would be about a 50/50 ratio of each.

What is the difference between a genotype ratio and a phenotype ratio?

The genotype is the actual code for a trait. Hidden on the chromosome we can never actually see the alleles controlling the trait unless we sequence the DNA. The phenotype is the result of at least two alleles expressing a visible or measurable trait in an individual. A genotype to phenotype ratio is the correspondence between the unseen code of the individual's alleles and the detectable quality of the individual's trait. This ratio relates the proportional quantities of unseen and seen, a comparison between the encoded trait and the expressed result of the code.

What is the expected phenotype ratio of seed color of the offspring of an F1 x F1 cross?

If the parents were AA and AA for example then the phenotype ratio will be 1 A (the dominant allele). The genotype will be 1Aa.

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your mother