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Q: What is the good bacteria in your digestive system called?
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In what ways bacteria is helpful?

There are good bacteria called pro-biotics found in the digestive system that regulate digestion.

Where is good bacteria found?

In the human body "good" bacteria can be found in the stomach and digestive system.

Where does the good bacteria live in our digestive system?

A person has "good" bacteria in the large intestine. These are often called probiotics. A person also has many on the skin and they crowd out harmful ones.

Is there good bacteria inside your body?

Yes, one example of good bacteria in your body is the bacteria in your digestive system that helps break down the food that you eat.

What are the micro-organisms called in yogurt?

Bacteria. Now don't start freaking out 'cause I just told you that your yogurt is infested with bacteria, this bacteria is the good kind, the kind that helps your digestive system work properly.

Are bacteria in digestive system good?

I don't know. Maybe some is okay, but too much is too bad! :-( _______ There are roughly 100 trillion bacteria cells in the human digestive system that are beneficial to digestion. The individual species of bacteria is about 300-1000. If we did not have these bacteria in our system, it wouldn't work right, so it is very good to have bacteria in the digestive system. For instance, some bacteria in human digestive systems produce vitamin K and B vitamins which humans cannot obtain from foods. Or another example, if it wasnt for the bacteria in human stomachs, humans wouldn't be able to digest plant type foods, like vegetables.

What are benificial microorganisms?

Unlike viruses and bacteria, there are a number of beneficial microorganisms. For instance, the living bacteria that resides in yogurt is known to be good for the human digestive system.

What does the human body benefit from bacteria?

There is surprisingly a thing called probacteria that is good for the body. It helps the digestive system to digest food properly and helps to enhance immunity which means to aid in shielding bacteria that can weaken the body's immune system. Here's a good website that should help you in your research: HOPE THIS HELPED!!!:)

What is GanedenBC30?

GanedenBC30 is the brand name of a patented good bacteria strain. The probiotic helps the digestive system and immune system of the human body when it is taken daily.

Are there any uses for the appendix?

Researchers in the United States say the appendix produces and protects good germs for the gut by "rebooting" the digestive system. The team of immunologists at Duke University Medical Center say the human digestive system contains massive amounts of bacteria most of which are good and help the digestion of food. However the researchers say sometimes the bacteria die off or are purged from the intestines as in diseases such as cholera or dysentery. According to the researchers, the appendix's job is to "reboot" the digestive system when that happens with the bacteria safely harbored in the appendix.

What us the appendix used for?

It was considered not to have any use. Now it is thought to be a store of 'good' bacteria used to 'reboot' the digestive system after illness.

What is unique about yogurt?

Yogurt is unique because it contains friendly bacteria which are really good for your stomach and digestive system. Also yogurt can help you live longer