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Q: What is the good luck symbol for Jainism Buddhism and Hinduism?
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Were swastikas used by cultures around the world and not just used by Nazis?

Yes. It is still used as a symbol of luck and good fortune in several religions, including Hinduism and Jainism.

What religion is like Buddhism?

Hinduism is like Buddhism because Buddhism was actually born of Hinduism; they are yogas meaning they both practice an unity of god through the mind, body, and spirit. Jainism is very much similar to Buddhism . The concepts of karma, dharma & moksha are the same in both religions. Jains also do not believe in any one great god or creator . It says that good deeds and non-violence, truth are the key to happiness.

Thesis statement for Hinduism and Buddhism essay?

Okay, you should first check the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. Wikipedia is a good start to.

What cultures used the word swastika long before Hitler and nazi Germany?

The swastika was used all over the world before the Nazis appropriated it. Vikings, Romans, Greeks, the Middle East, even ancient China and India. Around the time of World War II, a blue swastika was a common symbol used by the military of Finland. However, Hindus- people who follow Hinduism, one of India's major religions- still consider the swastika to be a symbol of good luck. Hinduism is thousands of years old too, so it's been used by them for a long time. Other religions that have ties to India, especially Buddhism and Jainism, also sometimes use the symbol.

How do Buddhism and Hinduism emphasize compassion and non violence?

Both Buddhism & Hinduism Scriptures say that Compassion (dayā) & Non Violence are the key of geeting good karma. They also emphasize the meaning by stating that good karma means good after life.

Which religions teach about reincarnation?

It is Hinduism in India. They believe that at death only the body dies, while the soul goes into the body of another human or animal. Where your soul will go in the next life - up or down on the caste ladder - depends on the way you live now. If you do not live a good life you will be reborn as a pariah or an animal

What is the Buddhists symbol?

There are many different symbols in Buddhism, but there isn't one in particular that signifies all Buddhism, like the cross is a symbol of Christianity. The lotus flower, the wheel of Dharma, the dorje (lighting bolt) and the mandala are a few symbols used in Buddhism to help people remember the underlying principles. The swastika is a symbol used in Buddhism, Hinduism and Bon, the animistic belief system that predated Buddhism in Tibet. "Swastik" in Sanskrit means "health", and the swastika - either right-turning or left-turning - is often used as a symbol of luck, merit or good health. THE EIGHT-SPOKED WHEEL OF THE DHARMA IS THE OFFICIAL SYMBOL IN USE BY THE U.S. MILITARY.

What are some of Buddhists symbols?

There are many different symbols in Buddhism, but there isn't one in particular that signifies all Buddhism, like the cross is a symbol of Christianity. The lotus flower, the wheel of Dharma, the dorje (lighting bolt) and the mandala are a few symbols used in Buddhism to help people remember the underlying principles. The swastika is a symbol used in Buddhism, Hinduism and Bon, the animistic belief system that predated Buddhism in Tibet. "Swastik" in Sanskrit means "health", and the swastika - either right-turning or left-turning - is often used as a symbol of luck, merit or good health.

What is the force created by a person's actions called?

Answer karma Definition: in Buddhism and Hinduism, the effects that good or bad actions have on a person's soul

How do Buddha teachings differ from Hindu teachings?

Buddhism - a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject. Hinduism - the common religion of India, based upon the religion of the original Aryan settlers as expounded and evolved in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad-Gita, etc., having an extremely diversified character with many schools of philosophy and theology, many popular cults, and a large pantheon symbolizing the many attributes of a single god. Buddhism and Jainism are outside the Hindu tradition but are regarded as related religions. Hinduism is not based solely on the religion of Aryans and the Vedas. Actually that forms a small part of Hinduism. Hinduism was practiced in India even before the arrival of Aryans. It was a mix of aboriginal and dravidian beliefs. That is why none of the Gods and Goddesses that hindus worship today are mentioned in the Vedas (Shiva, Durga, Rama, Krishna, Ganesha, Kartikeya, Hanuman, etc.) Considered minutely, there is no difference between Hinduism and Buddhism, except for the rejection of Vedas, Gods and Goddesses (though Buddhism has its own), and rituals. The philosophy of Buddhism takes off only from Hinduism. But Buddhism is not the only one or the first to do so. Jainism, the extinct Charvak philosophy, also say the same. Jainism, Buddhism, and in the later times Sikhism were not established as different religions. Those who established them wanted a return to good old (non-Aryan) ways.

What religions focus on meditation?

There are many, but Zen Buddhism is one in which meditation is most primary. Others are: other forms of Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism.

What does Jainism believe?

Jainism believes in good deeds (punia) and helping others.