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Q: What is the greek philosiphy of humans are free to follow self-interest as a basic motivating force?
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According to what philosophy humans are free to follow self interest as a basic motivating force?


Why do WE as humans try so hard to live?

Everyone should ask this question and contemplate on it. This is Philosiphy and it can be considered part of "The Most Difficult Questions To Have Ever Existed."

Why did early humans follow animals for food?

To hunt the animals they follow

What follow the dog everywhere?

humans or peoples

What is heidis power in twilight?

She is a fisher which means that she can make humans follow her.

Why does nemesis punish some humans?

Because they don't follow the rules

What does human trait mean?

A pattern of behaviour that some humans follow.

What did Freud view as primary motivating force for humans?

Freud viewed the primary motivating force for humans as the drive to be respected by their peers (and even further a desire to be respected by the elites who decide who is respectable or not).

Why did humans model airplanes after the flight of birds?

What other example would they follow?

Why do citizens agree to follow laws?

Humans are pattern finders and if they notice that everyone else follows laws they will most likely follow. Others will pick differnt patterns and follow them.

The prophet Zoraster believed that humans had to choose between what?

humans can choose between good and evil. and are free the follow which ever path they choose.

Confucianism encouraged the idea of?

the evil nature of humans.