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Chloroplasts are found in plants to capture light energy

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Q: What is the green plant cell part that traps and use sunlight?
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How does the chloroplast function?

It traps the sunlight to produce Glucose.Another answer could be...It Contains the plant cell's chlorophyll responsible for the plant's green color.Hope this was helpful. :3

What traps sunlight and makes glucose in a plant cell?


What part of the cell traps sunlight for the plant to use?

The chloroplast organelle

What captures energy from sunlight and use it to produce food for the cell?

The Chlorophyll in plant cells. They use the sunlight to create glucose, basically food for the plant. This process is called photosynthesis

What cell traps sun energy and makes energy for plant?

Mesophyll Plant cell traps sun energy for plant.

What is the part of a cell that traps sunlight energy?


What does chloroplast do in a cell?

It contains chlorophyll to trap sunlight for photosynthesis (in the presence of sunlight).

What contains chlorophyll green pigment that traps energy from the sunlight?

Chloroplast in a plant cell can convert light energy into chemical energy that is required in plant cells.

What function within a plant cell does chloropasts have?

A chloroplast traps the energy of sunlight.

The green pigmentwhich enables plants to use sunlight?

chlorophyll, in the chloroplast, in the cytoplasm of the plant cell.

Why are a plant cell chloroplasts green?

Because they trap sunlight.

Why does every plant cell have a chloroplast?

Not every plant cell has chloroplast. For example, onion plant cells don't. Even in green plants, chloroplasts are not in each cell, only in ones that receive sunlight.