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In England, ballads come from Northern England and Southern Scotland. Many of them are composed in a dialect unfamiliar to the readers. They came from England-Scottish border country and sex and violence were the favorite subjects. " Edom O' Gordon" is a specimen as one of the oldest of Ballad genre.

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The purpose of a Ballad poem is to tell a story through the form of a song or poem.

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Yes, the definition of ballad stanza fits the traditional ballad stanza in the "Ballad of Birmingham" because it follows the ABAB rhyme scheme and typically consists of alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and trimeter in quatrains. This structure is reflective of the traditional ballad form used to tell a narrative story with a strong lyrical quality.

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Is Eleanor rigby a ballad?

No, "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles is not a ballad. It is a song that tells a story about loneliness and isolation, but it does not follow the traditional structure or form of a ballad.

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A Singspiel is closest to a ballad opera. It is a form of German-language music drama, now regarded as a genre of opera.

How is old is a ballad?

Ballads have been around for centuries, dating back to the medieval period. The exact age of a ballad would depend on the specific ballad in question, as different ballads originated at different times throughout history.

Why did minstrel's use the ballad form?

Minstrels used the ballad form because it was easy to remember and sing, making it popular for oral storytelling. Its simple structure and repetitive nature also allowed for easy memorization and helped convey stories or messages effectively to a wide audience. Additionally, the ballad form often incorporated traditional melodies that added to its appeal and helped spread the stories.

Wandering minstrels use a particular type of poem that was easier to recite and her because of its rhythm repetition and refrain That poetic form was?

The poetic form used by wandering minstrels is known as a ballad. Ballads are characterized by their narrative structure, simple language, and refrain. They were popular for oral storytelling and singing in medieval times.