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Q: What is the ignition temperature of plywood?
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What is the burning point of standard plywood?

The ignition temperature is about 250 Celsius for ordinary wood.

What temperature would plywood combust?

There is no definite temperature that plywood would combust at. Since plywood contains various chemicals, it will depend on what type those are, its size, etc.

What is the flash point of plywood?

Plywood doesn't have a flashpoint. Only liquids do. Plywood needs a temperature of around 400F to burn.

What is the difference between ignition temperature and spontaneous ignition temperature in a fuel cell?

The minimum temperature the fuel ignites self sustained combustion is known as spontaneous ignition temperature. The temperature at which the substance is preheated and burns smoothly is known as ignition temperature.

What will happen if the ignition temperature is lower than the room temperature?

If the ignition temperature of a substance is lower than the room temperature where it is, then that substance ignites.

What is the ignition temperature of natural gas?

1100-1200 degrees Fahrenheit is the minimum ignition temperature.

Which one has got higher ignition temperature wood or kerosene?

kerosene has got higher ignition temperature.

Ignition temperature is the minimum temperature required to?


What damage the ignition coil?

Temperature can cause damage to the ignition coil. Temperature which is above 150 degrees Celsius can cause a great damage to it.

What is the ignition temperature of pariffin wax?

For "piloted" ignition (i.e., ignites when a flame is applied), 390F. For spontaneous ignition, 473F.

What is temperature for ignition?

That depends on what is being ignited.

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