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Ecstasy can have negative impacts on academic performance due to its effects on memory, cognition, and concentration. Its use can lead to impaired learning, reduced ability to retain information, and difficulty focusing on academic tasks. Additionally, regular use of ecstasy may also lead to a decline in academic motivation and overall performance.

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Q: What is the impact of ecstasy on academic performance?
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How punctuality affects students academic performance in school?

Punctuality can positively impact students' academic performance by helping them develop time management skills, reduce stress, and stay organized with deadlines and tasks. Being punctual allows students to optimize their learning opportunities and participate actively in classroom activities, leading to better academic outcomes and achievement. On the other hand, chronic lateness can result in missed instruction, incomplete assignments, and a lack of focus, which may negatively impact students' academic performance.

What are some theories about academic performance?

Some theories about academic performance include social learning theory which suggests that students learn through observation and modeling of their peers and teachers, self-efficacy theory which proposes that a student's belief in their ability to succeed can impact their academic performance, and cognitive load theory which looks at how the brain processes information and how this can affect learning and performance.

What are the effects of premarital sex towards the academic performance of college students?

Premarital sex can potentially impact the academic performance of college students by causing distractions, stress, or emotional turmoil that may interfere with their ability to focus on studies. It can also lead to unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections, which can further disrupt their academic progress. However, the impact can vary depending on individual circumstances and support systems in place.

What are the environmental factors that affects academic performance of a student?

Environmental factors that can affect academic performance include noise levels, lighting conditions, air quality, temperature, and classroom design. These factors can impact a student's ability to focus, retain information, and engage in learning. Additionally, factors like access to resources, study space, and support at home can also play a role in academic performance.

How does parents financial status influence on students academic performance in secondary schools?

A parent's financial status can impact a student's academic performance in secondary school by providing access to resources such as tutoring, educational materials, and enrichment activities. Financial stability can also reduce stressors related to housing, food insecurity, and access to technology, which can positively impact a student's ability to focus on their studies and succeed academically. However, it is important to note that academic performance is multifaceted and influenced by other factors beyond just financial status.

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What are the causes of ecstasy in academic performance of teenagers?

Ecstasy causes you to lose your short term memory, and you may not remember things or perform as well as you can without the drug.

What is academic and non academic performance?

When You are in academy your activity evaluate as academic performance & when you are not in academy your activity in non academic performance.

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A broken home can impact a student's academic performance by creating emotional stress, instability, and distractions that can interfere with their ability to focus on their studies. The lack of consistent support or guidance at home may also lead to feelings of loneliness or low self-esteem that can affect their motivation and engagement in school. However, it is important to note that each individual's response to a broken home situation can vary.

What is scholastic performance?

Scholastic performance refers to a student's academic achievements and abilities, typically measured by grades, test scores, and other academic evaluations. It reflects a student's comprehension, retention, and application of knowledge in various subjects or disciplines.

What are the effect of poor academic performance?

According to research, poor academic performance can often lead to poverty. Poverty then affects academic performance, and unfortunately, the cycle continues.

What is the relationship of academic performance and occupational interests?

Typically, passion for a field increases academic performance.

What impact does ecstasy have on society?

it gets you high

What are the effects of TV in a child's academic performance?

Television affects a child's academic performance by taking them away from more enriching experiences. A child's TV should be limited to improve their academic performance.

What are the effects of premarital sex towards the academic performance of college students?

Premarital sex can potentially impact the academic performance of college students by causing distractions, stress, or emotional turmoil that may interfere with their ability to focus on studies. It can also lead to unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections, which can further disrupt their academic progress. However, the impact can vary depending on individual circumstances and support systems in place.

How can you prove that the IQ is not a sole predictor in good academic performance?

Find a set of people who all have the same IQ, but varied levels of academic performance. If academic performance varies as IQ is held constant, QED.

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E-book stories can have both positive and negative effects on students' academic performance. On one hand, e-books can provide convenience and accessibility to students, promoting reading and potentially improving literacy skills. On the other hand, excessive screen time from digital devices can lead to distractions, eye strain, and reduced retention of information, which may impact academic performance. Ultimately, the extent of the impact will depend on how students engage with e-books and balance their use with other study habits.