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Christianity was originally seen as a sect of Judaism, until it grew in numbers, particularly from Gentiles, and had to become its own branch of religions. Also, Jesus grew up as a Jew and learned Jewish teachings. He did, however, go against many of those teachings with his own proclamations about God and salvation. But because Judaism was the faith that Christianity reformed, many Christians still study Jewish faith ideas along with Christian faith ideas.

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The Jewish Bible is MORE accurate and is use to compare with modern Bible translations. How is it more accurate?

The ancient documents were meticulously copied from generation to generation as the scrolls were worn by use. They were copied by highly trained and devoted scribes.

Jeremiah is the first to mention these scribes as a professional group: "How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in vain make he it; the pen of the scribes (sopherim) is in vain" (Jer.8:8).

The word sopherim literally means "the counters"; the early scribes earned this title because they counted every letter of every book of Scripture to make sure they didn't leave out anything.

After the Jews returned from Exile, they formed communities of scribes to preserve and circulate the Scriptures that had become so precious to them. These scribes ( later called the Masoretes ) tried to explain the variations in different manuscripts. They eventually developed a system of vowel pointing that preserved the pronunciation of the Hebrew words.

Before he began his work each day, the scribe would test his reed pen by dipping it in ink and writing the name Amalek, then crossing it out (cf. Deut. 25:19). Then he would say, "I am writing the Torah in the name of its sanctity and the name of God in its sanctity." The scribe would read a sentence in the manuscript he was copying, repeat it aloud, and then write it. Each time he came to the name of God, he would say, " I am writing the name of God for the holiness of His name." If he made an error in writing God's name, he had to destroy the entire sheet of papyrus or vellum that he was using.

After the scribe finished copying a particular book, he would count all of the words and letters it contained. Then he checked this tally against the count for the manuscript that he was copying. He counted the number of times a particular word occurred in the book, and he noted the middle word and the middle letter in the book, comparing all of these with his original. By making these careful checks, he hoped to avoid any scribal errors.

I use the Jewish Bible, the Tanakh in my bible studies along with my King James, for accuracy. In Genesis 4:26, the KJB has Seths' son's named as "Enos" but in the Tanakh, it lets us know that his name is "Enosh". The letter "h" was ommited and continues to be missing in Chapter 5 verses 6,7,9,10,11and again in Luke 3:38 in the King James. It is correct in 1 Chronicles 1:1 but instead of "Seth" the word is spelled "Sheth" in the KJB, and theTanakh has "Seth" so Seth and Enosh are the correct spellings.

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Because it says that it was revealed by God (Exodus 24:12).

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See the attached Related Link for summaries of each of the books of the Hebrew Bible.

He's only leaving you basic intructions before leaving earth. Is this what the word Holy Bible means?

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