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Q: What is the importance of curriculum development in the educational process?
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What are the similarities of tyler and taba model of curriculum?

Both the Tyler and Taba models of curriculum design emphasize the importance of clearly defined educational objectives. They both involve a systematic approach to curriculum development, which includes defining goals, selecting appropriate learning experiences, organizing content, and assessing outcomes. Additionally, both models prioritize the involvement of teachers, students, and other stakeholders in the curriculum development process.

What is the Value and Significance of Curriculum Development?

Curriculum development is valuable because it shapes what students learn and how they learn it. It ensures alignment with educational goals and standards, promotes student engagement and achievement, and guides teachers in delivering effective instruction. A well-designed curriculum can enhance student learning outcomes and prepare them for success in their academic and professional lives.

What are the similarities of 3 curriculum development process model by taba?

The three curriculum development process models by Taba emphasize the importance of starting with the learner and their needs, involve a systematic and collaborative approach to design curriculum, and highlight the iterative nature of curriculum development through continuous feedback and revision. These models focus on creating meaningful learning experiences that are relevant and responsive to students' diverse backgrounds and abilities.

What are the contributions of Edward Thorndike to the present views of curriculum?

Edward Thorndike's work on learning and educational psychology contributed to the development of the behaviorist approach to education. His theories on learning, such as the law of effect and connectionism, have influenced curriculum design by emphasizing the importance of active engagement and reinforcement in the learning process. Thorndike's research laid the foundation for the use of instructional strategies that focus on skill development and mastery learning in modern curriculum design.

Role of a community in curriculum development?

Communities play a crucial role in curriculum development by providing insight into the needs, interests, and values of the local population. They can contribute to the creation of culturally relevant and engaging curriculum that aligns with the community's goals and priorities. Involving community members in curriculum development also fosters collaboration, partnership, and a sense of ownership over the educational process.

What is meant by situational analysis of curriculum development?

Situational analysis in curriculum development refers to the process of assessing the current educational context, needs, challenges, resources, and stakeholders that may influence the design and implementation of a curriculum. It involves gathering data and information to understand the unique circumstances and factors that will shape the development of the curriculum to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in a specific context. This analysis helps curriculum developers make informed decisions and tailor the curriculum to meet the needs and goals of the learners and the educational setting.

How Ivan pavlov contribute in curriculum development?

Ivan Pavlov's research on classical conditioning had an indirect influence on curriculum development by highlighting the importance of reinforcement in the learning process. His work emphasized the role of repetition, practice, and reward in shaping behavior, which has been incorporated into educational strategies aimed at promoting learning and retention of information. Pavlov's principles have been used to inform creating effective teaching methods that reinforce desired behaviors and outcomes in the curriculum.

What are the similarities between tyler and taba curriculum model?

Both the Tyler and Taba curriculum models emphasize the importance of systematic planning and organization of curriculum development. They both focus on the need for clear objectives and outcomes to guide the teaching and learning process. Additionally, both models stress the importance of collaboration between educators and stakeholders in designing and implementing the curriculum.

How political influence curriculum development?

In my opinion, politics is one of the factors that influence the development of the curriculum. It is clearly indicating that curriculum development is influenced by the political process, because every time the leadership of a country's exchange, then every time that curriculum change.

2 What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of the school?

The principle of democratic decision-making justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders in curriculum development. In a democratic process, involving all stakeholders ensures diverse perspectives are considered, leading to more inclusive and effective curriculum outcomes. Collaboration fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the curriculum, enhancing its relevance and impact.

How does philosophy influence curriculum development?

Philosophy probably has more influence on curriculum access than development. As learning and teaching theories are developed and education as a whole changes, the way the curriculum is understood and taught and therefore learned changes.

What is walker's model of curriculum develpoment?

Walker's model of curriculum development is a cyclical process that involves four main stages: planning, development, implementation, and evaluation. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration among stakeholders, such as teachers, students, and community members, in designing a curriculum that is relevant and effective for the learners. The model encourages ongoing reflection and revision based on feedback and results from the evaluation stage to continuously improve the curriculum.