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The discovery of agriculture marked the transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities, leading to the development of civilizations. It allowed for the surplus production of food, which in turn enabled population growth, specialization of labor, and the emergence of complex societies. Agriculture also led to the development of technologies, trade networks, and cultural advancements.

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Q: What is the importance of discovery of agriculture in history?
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What discovery marked the beginning of Neolithic age?

The discovery of agriculture marked the beginning of the Neolithic Age. This included the cultivation of crops, such as wheat and barley, and the domestication of animals, such as sheep and goats. This shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities occurred around 10,000 BCE.

How did the discovery of agriculture change human history?

The discovery of agriculture allowed humans to settle in one place, developing permanent communities and leading to the rise of civilizations. It also provided a more stable and reliable food supply, which fueled population growth, technological advancements, and the development of complex social structures. Agriculture marked the shift from hunting and gathering to organized societies, setting the stage for the modern world as we know it.

What was the importance of intensification in the Neolithic age?

Intensification in the Neolithic age was important as it led to the development of agriculture and animal domestication. This allowed societies to produce more food, leading to population growth, settlements, and social complexity. Intensification also contributed to the transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to settled agricultural communities.

What is cabrals importance of exploration?

Cabrals importance in exploration lies in being the first European to land in Brazil in 1500. This event ultimately led to the colonization of Brazil by the Portuguese, which had lasting impacts on the region's culture, society, and history. Additionally, Cabral's discovery opened up new trade routes and resources for Portugal, expanding their global reach.

When was agriculture discovered?

Agriculture is estimated to have been discovered around 10,000 B.C. in the Fertile Crescent region, which encompassed present-day parts of the Middle East. This discovery marked a significant shift from hunting and gathering to settled farming practices.