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The saline distends the uterine cavity (or endometrium) and simplifies the identification of polyps, fibroids, and tumors. The saline outlines the lesion, making it easier to find and evaluate.

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Q: What is the importance of the saline solution in a hysterosonography?
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What is a hysterosonography?

Hysterosonography is another variant ultrasound procedure. It involves the injection of saline solution into the uterus during an endovaginal scan.

What is the medical importance of saline solution?

what is salinity and why is it important

Who invented the saline solution?

Sydney Ringer invented the saline solution.

What type of solution is saline solution?

Saline is a homogenous solution of salt in water.

What is a saline solid or liquid or solution?

saline solution is salted water with 0.85% of salt

What is the mineral found in Saline solution?

Saline solution is a mixture of salt and water.

Why doe cucumbers shrink in highly saline solution?

Cucumber shrink in saline solution, because the saline solution draws out the water from the cucumber causing it to shrink. -Jaralzila

Why is ti advisable to use normal saline solution rather than water?

Not sure what you are using saline solution for but i would say that saline solution is steril and water is not.

Is normal saline is hypertonic solution?

Yes this saline is a hypertonic solution but 3% saline is also not normal. There is nothing "normal" about it. There is only one "normal saline" and that is 0.9%.

What mineral is found in a saline solution?

The mineral found in saline solution is salt (sodium chloride).

What is the difference between normal saline solution and ringer's lactate solution?

What is the difference between normal saline solution and ringer's lactate solution?

What a solution of salt and water?

saline solution