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You don't, at least in America. Rabies vaccine must, by law, be administered by a registered vet.

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In the abdomen.

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Q: What is the injection site of anti-rabies vaccine in human?
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What a human is accidentally injected with blackleg vaccine for animals?

Humans do not usually get sick when being accidentally injected with the Blackleg vaccine for animals. These vaccinations only contain the dead virus. It is important to keep an eye on the injection site and to watch for symptoms just as a precaution.

After you gave a cow with blackleg a shot you accidentally stuck yourself with the needle can you get the disease?

You haven't been exposed to blackleg (a Clostridial bacterial infection) as the vaccine is a killed vaccine, but it would be a good idea to keep a close watch on how you feel for the next week and watch the accidental injection site as well. If you start to run a fever or notice swelling, redness or pain around the injection site, see a human doctor immediately and let them know this was an accidental needle stick from a cattle vaccine.

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Take an antipyretic such as ibuprofen and place some ice on the site. Then relax for a few hours.

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The Rotavirus vaccine is not required for kids but I would highly recommend it to pretect them. If your kids do not like shots, your doctor can numb the injection site with local anesthesia.

Can tetanus vaccine cause side effects?

Side effects of the tetanus vaccine are minor: soreness, redness, or swelling at the site of the injection that appear any time from a few hours to two days after the vaccination and disappear in a day or two.

What are the side effects of Tetnus vaccine?

Well unless you are allergic to it you could be nauseous, have pain or swelling around the injection site or you could be like me and have your whole arm cramp up.

Could Lidocaine injection site cause a infection?

Yes.any kind of injection can result in an infection if the injection site is not properly cleaned.

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Where is the nasopalatine site for injection located?

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On the injection site? Sorry im confused.

What are some potential side effects of the flu vaccine?

The simple truth is that any vaccine can cause side effects, but they are usually minor. The most common side effects from the flu vaccine are soreness, redness, pain and swelling of the injection site, fever and malaise.

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