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Mosquito, and it does not make all animals itch. The only reason it makes humans itch is because we have an allergic reaction to their saliva.

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Q: What is the insect that sucks the blood of humans and animals and makes them itch?
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What is name of insect blood?

An insects blood is the same as a humans blood. It keeps them alive and makes all organs function properly.

Do insects have a circulatory system like ours do they have a heart where is it?

insects have open circulatory system. they don't have veins or arteries like humans or animals. Insect blood is called hemolymph that is green or yellow in colour. it flows freely through the body cavity and makes direct contact with organs and tissues. The insect heart is basically a tube, sealed at one end, which runs along their back.

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Humans domesticate animals for security purposes, for companionship and for their love of human nature.

Why is insect blood green or yellow?

Insect blood doesn't transfer oxygen. That means it doesn't need hemoglobin, which is what makes blood appear red. Insect blood is only about 10% hemocytes (blood cells), most of it just watery plasma called hemolymph, tending to be green or yellow.

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yes they are equal to humans there is nothing that makes their life any less valuable then ours.

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nocturnal animals sleep at daytime and daytime animals sleep at nighttime or for short nocturnal animals are the opposite of humans!!

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Heart Brain Blood Emotions Skin/Hair

what insect makes dog itchy?

Fleas are insects that make dogs itchy. The Siphonapteraorder member in question has piercing, sucking mouthparts which cause an allergic itch when blood is withdrawn from a dog (or any other animal).

What percentage of the human body is made up of blood?

Blood makes up 7% of the weight of the body in humans. See: