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Q: What is the jewish temple using the words king solomon second temple king herod sacrifice holy of holies worship jerusalem romans?
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The holy of holies?

This was in the Temple of Jerusalem. The Holy of Holies was the innermost room of the Temple that contained, among other things, the Ark of the Covenant of the Israelites. It was in this room that the Jews believed God dwelt and consequently only the high priest was able to enter this room, and then only on a special day once a year. The room was separated from the rest of the temple roooms by a long, heavy curtain, woven in one piece, that symbolised the division between God and humans. At the death of Christ, the gospel writers record that there was an earthquake and the curtain of this temple was torn in two from top to bottom - a very symbolic event for the Jews as this symbolised that at Jesus' death and his salvation for us all, the curtain separating man from God was no longer there - and that the relationship between humans and God was restored.

Why did hatshepsut build hatshepsut's temple?

AnswerHatshepsut's temple is unique to Egypt. It is quite unlike any other Egyptian temple. It's walls tell the account of Hatshepsut's voyage to "Punt". The only other account we have from ancient Egypt of an African queen visiting a foreign country is the Bible's record about the queen who sheba'd "Ophir" (Auphirah or Africa). In Hebrew, to sheba means to rule and administer.Hence the Queen "Sheba", as most translations of the Bible name her, who visited Solomon the builder of another unique temple in Jerusalem, looks to be the same one who built Hatshepsut's temple.Decoding the meaning of "Hatshepsut" we find that it means "The Sign of the ruler/administrator of the South". In the Bible, the "South" refers to Africa as the "East" refers to Babylon and the "North" refers to Assyria or other empires north of Israel. The temple Hatshepsut built thus seems to be a copy of Solomon's. We know that in Song of Solomon the woman in the poem is described as black (i.e., African) and her hair like pharaoh's horses (presumably the hair of their mane). Solomon writes (SoS 2:14), "Oh my dove, you are in the clefts of the rock in the secret places of the stairs." Hatshepsut's temple sits against a cleft-filled cliff-face with secret enigmatic tunnels drilled into the cliff-face and with stairs leading up to the 'Djeser Djeseru" or Holy of Holies which was a secret place reserved for the high priest. This is so unlike standard Egyptian temples that a foreign temple must be the prototype and that would ony be Solomon's. "Punt means the bridge land. Amenhotep III said "When I look to the sunrise, I come to the countries of Punt" and that would be the lands on the other side of the Sinai peninsula (the bridge between Africa and Eurasia) i.e., Israel and Lebanon.Thus Hatshepsut built this temple to show that she had travelled to Jerusalem, met Solomon and returned to Egypt having converted to worship Solomon's God (Jehovah). Political reality in Egypt meant that she had to decorate the temple with pagan regalia so she set the temple into its current setting in Deir el-Bahari, Egypt, near the valley of the kings, in this fashion as a clue that she was the fabled "Queen of Sheba". In that way she confounded her enemies and effectively managed to tell her history after all. Unfortunately, modern Egyptologists have their chronologies wrong so that Hatshepsut appears to be a 15th century BC (circa 1450 BC) queen rather than a 10th century BC (circa 950 BC) queen. Thus modern Egyptologists have nearly succeeded where her successor (Thutmose III) failed. Fortunately, not everyone has been fooled by the Egyptologists.

How was Jerusalem important in Jewish history?

Briefly.It started with abraham working out that there is only one source to the universe despite the polytheistic and pagan philosophies believed at that time. Then God revealed Himself to abraham and said that a great nation will descend from him (all this around 1800 bce).After a few generations the one branch of his descendants (through his son isaac and grandson jacob) ended up in egypt. They were called the sons of israel (or israelites), because they were all descendants of jacob who was also called israel. They were enslaved there for a couple of hundred years. Then God told moses (great great grandson of jacob) to tell the egyptian pharaoh to let the israelites go. After the pharaoh's refusal, God then brought ten miraculous plagues on the egyptians, and eventually the israelites were allowed to leave.A month and a half later they arrived at mount sinai, where God spoke directly to the israelite nation, and gave them the ten commandments. He told them that they were the nation he has chosen to fulfill his purpose in the world, and to be a light to the other nations of the world. This happened in 1312 bce.This is essentially the history of the roots of the jewish religion.(The name jewish only came along later in about the year 350bce which means descendant of judah - the 4th son of jacob. this replaced the name israelite but the people are the same.)Answer:See the following:

Why is Jerusalem important to the Arabs?

Answer 1Jerusalem is the first, & the holy House of Almighty GOD. It's the first place built to worship Almighty GOD on this Earth and it's the only door to the heaven. It is the real door. That is why; the Muslims and the Jews know this.Answer 2While the Jews are one united religion, Arabs are not. The vast majority are Muslim, but there are a minority of Christian Arabs who also revere Jerusalem. Jerusalem's importance to each group is primarily religious. See the links below to find out more about these religious claims.There is also the political dimension to control of Jerusalem in that this city symbolizes the longevity of both Jewish and Arab historical occupancy of the land.

Where was Hathor born?

Hathor's temple is in Dendara.The Temple of Hathor is to the north of the Great Temple. It depicts Ramses II's first queen Nefertari on the facade between statues of her husband. The inside of this temple shows Nefertari participating in the divine ritual in the same capacity as her husband. The holy of holies features a statue of the goddess Hathor represented as a cow.The Temple of Hathor is to the north of the Great Temple. It depicts Ramses II's first queen Nefertari on the facade between statues of her husband. The inside of this temple shows Nefertari participating in the divine ritual in the same capacity as her husband. The holy of holies features a statue of the goddess Hathor represented as a cow.

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What is the center of worship of the one true god that Solomon built in Jerusalem called?

The Temple. Ths was a huge structure consisting of several courts and a central building including the 'Holy of Holies' where the Ark of the Covenant was kept and, according to Jewish belief, God dwelt. After the structure was destroyed by the Romans, only the western wall survived, which is still there to this day.

What was in the most holy place in Jesus day?

Solomon's Temple was the Holy of Holies.

What is the innermost room of the temple in Jerusalem?

Holy of Holies (Kodesh HaKodashim).

What was in the holy of holies in Jerusalem?

The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the Holy of Holies.

Where do christians go on a pilgramage?

Pilgrimage - a journey to a sacred place. In the times of Old Testament, under the Law of Judaism, proper worship of God could be performed in only one place: The Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. There, in the Holy Land, in the Holy City, in the Holy Temple, in the Very Holy of Holies, where only the High Priest could go, could sacrifice be made to God for the pennance of the people of God. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He said "It is Finished" - the veil (to the Holy of Holies) was rent in two. Access to God was never again limited to the High Priest in this one place, but granted to all men who confess Jesus Christ as Lord - and take Him as their personal Savior. the observing Jews made pilgrimage once a year to Jerusalem. Some Christians would like to do the same. It is not neccessary. We no longer live under the Law but by Grace through Faith.

What was on the Temple Mount before the Dome of the Rock?

Going back the furthest: The rock was to be the place where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac. It is also suppose to be the site of the Holy of Holies of both Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple. Many things were put there after.

Why is the Jewish temple said to be very holy?

this world is G-ds house the temple in Jerusalem is His palace the holies of holies is His master bedroom....where he dwells and rests with the rules of his chosen people (the 10 commandments)

What King Solomon hide under the temple?

Solomon's Temple contained the Ark of the Covenant and its contents in the Holy of holies. The high Priest only entered the place once a year on the Day of Atonement.

Who went into the holy of holies in the temple in Jerusalem?

There hasn't been a temple in Jerusalem for 1932 years. When it did exist and was the central focus of the Jewish religion and culture, the single individual to ever enter the Holy of Holies was the Kohen Gadol ("high priest"), and he did so exactly one time in the year ... as a part of the service on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

What is the difference of synagogue and Jerusalem?

A synagogue is the Jewish house of prayer, similar to a church in Christianity or a mosque in Islam. Jerusalem is the holy city in Israel where the Temple stood before its destruction by the Romans. A Synagogues are meant to face Jerusalem, to remind us of the Temple while we pray,

What are the certain parts of the tabernacle?

Laver, table of showbread, burnt incense altar, burning sacrifice. candlestick, Holy of Holies, gate

What does the Hebrew word Dvir mean?

Dvir (דביר) has no English equivalent. It is usually translated as "holy of holies" or "inner sanctum". It refers to a special room in the Ancient Temple in Jerusalem.