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The language in which St Ignatius de Loyola spoke his last words was Spanish.

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Q: What is the language in which St Ignatius de Loyola spoke his last words?
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Basque: Ignazio Loiolakoa, Spanish: Ignacio de Loyola. In other words, he did not change his name. Ignatius is the English version of the name.

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Jesus' words were recorded in Greek because Greek was the lingua franca of the Eastern Mediterranean at the time. It was a widely spoken language, making it a practical choice for spreading the message of Jesus to a diverse audience. It is believed that Jesus spoke Aramaic, a Semitic language closely related to Hebrew, which was the common language of the Jewish people in Judea during that period.

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There is no record in the Bible of what language Jesus spoke. However, he was a meek and lowly man, and so it is doubtful if he ever spoke any language from another country. However, we can all be grateful that his words have been translated and preserved for us in our own languages.

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That depends on what country they came from and where they settled. For example, the first European settlers in Australia spoke English. The first European Settlers in Brazil spoke Portuguese.

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