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Actually there are not large number of rail lines in the prairie provinces. There were many more in Ontario and Quebec. The rail lines that were build in the prairies were done so to ship grain to the mainline which took the grain to Eastern Canada where it was sold to the world.

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Q: What is the large number of rail lines in the prairie provinces reflect?
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Why does Canada have so many different climates?

Canada has many different climates fore it is a country that has a large horizontal mass. You have BC and the Maritime provinces surrounded by ocean and the Prairie provinces in the center of land mass. The thermal of effect of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean's call for milder winters and summer where as provinces such as Manitoba and Alberta have much harsher winters and hotter summers.

Why are the prairie provinces and St. Lawrence lowlands important to Canada's economy?

The resources of the Prairies were and still are for the most part sent to Eastern Canada who sells them to the world for large profits. This is why Western Canadian farmers has and still have very different rules, taxes and systems they farm under. Today Alberta is the largest, by far, contributor to Confederation on a per capita basis. Yet for all the money sent East by the Prairie provinces they get very few federal services, most of which are based in and are for Eastern Canada.

Why are there large provinces in the west and small provinces in the maritime regions?

most likely due to geography, PEI is an island, Nova Scotia is almost an island and perhaps mountains on the west of New Brunswick.

What are the natural resources of the prairie region?

Grain, oil .... we send all the tourists there.The worlds largest reserve of oil is in the Canadian Prairie Provinces.They also have large mineral resources with more than 35 minerals being exploited or produced including uranium and precious metals.There is an abundance of fresh water with 5 massive water sheds and one of the largest lakes in the world, Lake Winnipeg.The have access to the worlds oceans via Hudson's Bay and the Northwest Passage, and are located in the center of North America.Then there are the large undeveloped areas of wilderness and park lands.When compared to most countries the three Prairie Provinces would be one of the worlds richest when it comes to natural resources.Read more: What_are_the_natural_resources_of_prairie_provinces

Why is the prairie region in Canada called that?

region of western Canada

Related questions

What large number of rail lines in Prairie Provinces reflects the?

Actually there are not large number of rail lines in the prairie provinces. There were many more in Ontario and Quebec. The rail lines that were build in the prairies were done so to ship grain to the mainline which took the grain to Eastern Canada where it was sold to the world.

Is it true that the prairie provinces do not contribute much to Canada's energy needs?

No. The prairie provinces such as Alberta contribute a significant portion of Canada's energy needs. Fort McMurray is one such area where a large portion of Canada's oil comes from.

Are there any large cities in the Prairie Provinces?

In Canada's Prairie Provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) there are two cities with more than a million population (Edmonton and Calgary), one with about three-quarters of a million (Winnipeg) and two with about 400,000 (Saskatoon and Regina).

Why do the prairie provinces get little rain?

The prairie provinces, like Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, are located inland and far from large bodies of water. This results in a lack of moisture in the air, leading to lower levels of precipitation. Additionally, the Rocky Mountains to the west act as a barrier, preventing moisture-laden air from reaching the prairies.

Who settled in the prairie provinces in Canada about 100 years ago?

Mostly European and Eastern European immigrants. There is a very large Ukrainian/Polish/German/Dutch presence in the prairies

What is a sentence for prairie?

A prairie is a large open area of grassland.

Which country has provinces?

Philippines has most number of provinces and chartered cities. It has 196 in total but most are very small. The country with most large sized primary divisions is Russia, which has 86 provinces or primary divisions.

Which country has maximum provinces?

Philippines has most number of provinces and chartered cities. It has 196 in total but most are very small. The country with most large sized primary divisions is Russia, which has 86 provinces or primary divisions.

Is soil is a large part of prairie dogs?

Prairie dogs are not made of soil, but they do dig burrows.

Who did the Romans leave their zone under control?

The provinces of the Roman Empire were administered by the provincial governor and his staff. The legions were stationed in the provinces and the ones with the largest number of troops were the frontier ones, where they defended the borders of the empire. Many provinces also had large numbers of Roman settlers.

What is a large grassland in North America?

A prairie is a large grassland in North America.

What is a large grass land called?

plain prairie