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It's called a googleplex. Which is 10googol.

A Google is 10100

See related link for more information.

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Q: What is the largest known number named or called?
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What is the largest number known?

Numbers go on to infinity so there is no way to say that there is a largest number. The largest natural number that is actually used is "Graham's number" which is used in field of math known as Ramsey theory.

What is the biggest number people have named?

Infinity is NOT the largest number named, because infinity is not a number, it is a mathematical representation of the concept that numbers never stop. The real largest number named is centillion or 10 to the power of 303.

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Jupiter's four largest moons are known as the Galileans. They are individually named Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, named my Simon Marius in 1610. Ganymede is the largest of these four moons.

What is the name of the highest number named?

The largest number known so far is called Grahams number. I don't know exactly how big it is, I just know it's bigger than a googleplex. A "google" is a 1 followed by 100 zeros, and a googleplex is a 1 followed by a google of zeros.

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There's no largest number, according to the rules of Pi aka π, there's always more, countless and LARGEST NUMBERS.

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The largest dinosaur known from well preserved remains is Argentinosaurus. Its name means "Argentina lizard."

What is the biggesst number you can think off?

The largest named number is a googleplex. Numbers are infinite and can go on from there always.

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Since the largest composite number can't be named, there's no way of telling what's sixth on that list.

Is there a name for every number how large?

The largest named number is a googolplexplex which you could define as 10 to the power of Googolplex.

Is there a saint called Gwen?

There are a number of saints named Gwen or similarly named.

What is the name of the largest island in the Hawaiian island?

It is named Hawaii but called the Big Island.

What is the largest number identified?

If you want to know the largest named number, maybe Googolplex would be a start. See related link.There isn't a largest number. If you think you find it, then just add 1 to it, and you have a new 'largest number'. Or if, say the number you have is a gazillion. Well why not just multiply by 2 and have 2 gazillion or how about 100 gazillion, etc.