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Q: What is the largest number of children to be born in one pregnancy?
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What is the largest number of children born in one pregnancy?

Carmella Burstid once delivered a record 13 babies in 4 hours. 1996.

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What is the largest number of children born to a single woman?

69 children in the 1700s a woman lived in Russia.

Largest number of children born naturally to same mother and father?

A woman in Russia gave birth to 69 children.

Can you have 15 children at once?

No human can give birth to 15 children at once (in the same pregnancy). However, it is possible, but not easy, for one couple to have 15 biological children, all living in the same house. To date, eight is the largest number of babies that have survived multiple birth. There have been cases of nine in which some were born alive. There have also been a few cases of 15 fetuses, but none were born alive.

What is the largest number of babies that have been born at once?

Eight (octuplets) babies is the largest number ever successfully carried to full term with all children surviving.

Are there pictures of the children from the highest recorded number of children born to one mother?


What does gravida 2 para 0010 mean?

This means that this particular woman is currently in her second pregnancy and that the previous pregnancy was either spontaneously or electively aborted. There is an acronym to help understand this... GTPAL. G - The number of times the woman has been pregnant, including current pregnancy. T - The number of pregnancies ending >37 weeks gestation, or full term pregnancies. P - The number of preterm pregnancies ending >20 weeks but <37 weeks. A - The number of pregnancies ending before 20 weeks (viability), either electively or spontaneously. L - The number of children who were born alive or living. So, in the example G2 Para 0010, the woman is in her second pregnancy, she has had no full term pregnancies, no pregnancies that reached the stage of viability (20 weeks), she did have a pregnancy that was either electively or spontaneously aborted before 20 weeks, and she has no children.

Largest number of kittens born at the same time?

8,9 rarely 10

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What are crack babies?

Crack babies are children born to mothers who used crack cocaine during pregnancy. These children are thought to have impairments in their learning and cognitive abilities, but the scientific data is not conclusive.