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Q: What is the largest outward rotator muscle of the hip?
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Which leg muscle serves a function similar to the function of the arm's rotator cuff muscles?

This can be the deep hip external rotators. It helps the leg to move around in different directions so that you can move more.

What is the hip hiker muscle?

The quadratus lumborum is known as the hip hiker muscle because it is the muscle that raises the hip.

What is the Medical term meaning bringing straightened leg outward?

Hip abduction is bringing the straightened leg outward.

What is the difference between an Ilium and an Iliac crest?

The Ilium is the largest and most superior portion of the coxa, flares outward, forming the prominence of the hip. The margin of this prominence is the iliac crest.

Were is the biggest in the body?

If you are asking about the largest organ, it's the skin. It accounts for about 15% of total body weight, more than any other organ. If you are asking about the largest muscle, it's the gluteus maximus (buttocks muscle). If you are asking about the largest bone, it's the pelvis (hip bone).

What is a name for a muscle?


Exercises that trigger your butt muscle?

hip flexion and hip extention

What it s the most powerful hip extensor of the body?

The name of the muscle is gluteus maximus. This muscle gives shape to your hip.

What is the meaning of akimbo?

With a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward.

Primary muscle for hip external rotation?

By strengthening the external hip rotator muscles you align your pelvis and your knees. The primary muscles involved are the piriformis, quadratus femoris, internal & external obturators, and superior & inferior gemellus

What smaller hip muscle is commonly used as an injection site?

my anatomy and physiology teacher has told my class multiple times that the smaller hip muscle that is a common sight for injection is the gluteus medius.gluteus medius

What muscle of the quadriceps muscle group is the only muscle to cross the hip?

That would be the rectus femoris.