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Q: What is the latin name for carbon?
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Why is carbon name carbon?

The name carbon comes from Latin meaning coal

Where did the name carbon come from?


What is the ancient name of carbon?

Latin; carbo = coal.

How did carbon county get its name carbon?

Carbon is made up of the Latin root word carbo, which means charcoal or coal. There is no documentation of the actual person or country that selected the name for carbon.

Why was carbon given the name it has?

The name "carbon" comes from Latin language carbo, coal, and in some Romanic languages, the word carbon can refer both to the element and to coal.

How did carbon get its name?

The English "Carbon" gets its name from the Latin "carbo", which means coal and charcoal. It also comes from the French, "charbon", which means charcoal.

What does carbon mean in latin?

Black. Carbon in Latin means Black.

Latin word for carbon?

Latin: Carboneum

How did carbon get its name and symbol?

The name "carbon" comes from Latin 'carbo' meaning: coal2nd Answer:'Carbo', in turn, relates back to the much older word for fire, namely, "kar".

Who discovered carbon on the periodic table of elements?

answ2. The name Carbon comes from a Latin word meaning coal.Who discovered diamonds, graphite or lamp-black, the three common forms of carbon is unknown and unknowable.

What color is the element Carbon on the periodic table?

Carbon is a black color. It got it's name from the Latin word "carbo" meaning charcoal. The black color of smoke actually comes from unburned specks of carbon.

What do you notice about the naming of hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms greater than 4?

Starting from Hexane, I notice that the beginning of the name starts with the latin number for how many carbon atoms there are