

What is the legal age to become pregnant when married?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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I assume you're asking in regard to minors? If you're in the US, once you're legally married there are no restrictions on sex/pregnancy.

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Q: What is the legal age to become pregnant when married?
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If married, you are considered emancipated and a legal adult. Pregnancy does not grant the rights of adulthood.

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The age of majority in New York is 18, therefore it is not relevant if the young woman is pregnant or not when it pertains to her being of legal age.

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16 is the legal age to be pregnant

Can you move out of your house at the age of 16 if you are pregnant with a child?

Pregnancy doesn't change anything so you can only move out if you have parental consent, is married, or if 16 is the legal age where you live.

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at the age of 18

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in newhampshire what is the legal age to move out if pregnant

Can I become pregnant at 20?

Yes. Biologically, you are fit to become pregnant at 20. But you may not be fit otherwise. You are not mature enough at this age. You may not be financially settled at this age. Your marriage may not be mature enough at this age, when you are married at the age of say 18 years. Better age is at about 24 to 26 years. But then, you have to take the final decision.

Where in the United States could a sixteen-year-old get married without a parent's consent if they are pregnant?

Nowhere. 18 is the legal age in every state.

Can you drink if married to someone of the legal age in Minnesota?

Only if you are of legal age. Just because you are married, it does not mean to do not need to follow the law.