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It lives for four years or so.

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Q: What is the life span of the Crown of Thorns Starfish?
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How long does the crown of thorns starfish live?

lives for 8 years in aquariums but the actual life span isnt known

What does great star coral eat?

The coral reefs off Australia and Thailand demonstrate the complexity of this problem. Apparently, excess nutrients there resulted in the growth of plants favored by the crown-of-thorns starfish. That species proliferated. This starfish also eats coral in very high amounts. Obviously a large number of them can destroy a reef in a relatively short time span. Algae are in a symbiotic relationship with coral. Parrotfish, butterfly fish, angelfish, sea slugs, snails, worms and the crown-of-thorns starfish all eat corals. members of the scaridae family of fish, carracterised by grinding pharyngeal jaws and a distinctly shaped head, eat algae off the coral on coral reefs, and certain species actually bite the coral and grind it up to consume the plant based algae within the coral, other species scrape the coral off the outside. there are many species of this family within coral reefs, examples include the brightly coloured parrot fish and massive buffalo fish

What is the largest starfish in the world?

The worlds heavyest starfish is known only by its latin name Thromidia Catalai. It can reach over 6kg and be 63cm across.Despite having no widely accepted common name, it is sometimes known as the "fat star".The largest starfish in terms of span is also known only by its latin name of Midgardia xandaros. It is a filter feeder, and can reach 1.4 metres across, but it is very slender.The generally accepted largest sea star in terms of sheer size is the sunflower sea star, or giant sun star Pycnopodia helianthoides. It often reaches 1 metre across, smaller than the Midgardia xandaros in terms of actual span, but far more massive. It can have up to 26 arms.It is closely followed by the Crown-of-Thorns starfish. People have reported sighting some as big as 700mm in diameter from one tip to another. The normal size for a starfish is between 250mm to 350mm.Source:

What is the life span of a cushion starfish?

Cushion stars can live up to 7-10 years. At two years of age, a male is mature. By four years of age, it turns into a female.

What is the life span of a male?

The life span of the white male 75.7 years. This is the new life span after the scientists Did the reasearch in 2012.

What is the life span for the Teiid lizard?

the life span is 6 years

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The life span of an apartment is seven years.

What is the life span of a tick?

A average life span is about 1 year

What is span of life?

a span of life (life span) is how long an organism (a living thing) can live.

What is a life span of a organism?

The life span of a Multicellular organism is not limited to the life of a single cell.

What is a Mountain bluebirds life span?

They have a life span of 3 to 7 years.

What is the life span of a Dominican?

15 years is the average life-span for a dominican