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Q: What is the long cytoplasmic process that propagates action potential?
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Where does the action potential occur on a neuron?

It starts at the axonal hillock and it propagates down the axon into the terminal boutons.

When the neuron is sussiciently stimulated this process and triggers the action potential?


What process describes the conversion of an external stimulus to an internal action potential?


When the neuron is sufficiently stimulated this process occurs and triggers the action potential?


What structure in the neuron helps to speed up the transmission of the action potential?

To speed up transmission of the action potential from where it originates (axon hillock) to where it ends (axon terminal), the action potential propagates by 'saltatory conduction' - and the structure that makes this possible is the insulating layer of myelin sheath that wraps around the axon, arranged in 'nodes' along its length. Technically, it's the gaps between the nodes (nodes of Ranvier) that cause the action to continually propagate and maintain its fast conduction velocity.

Do action potential cause electrical and chemical change in neuron?

Yes, you see when a action potential process is taking place the negative ions are in the center of the nerve and the positives are on the outside, during the action potential however they swap places, which in doing so changes the electrical and chemicals in the nerve cell.

Effects of myelination and nodes of ranvier on action potenital conduction?

The velocity of propagation of an action potential depends on axoplasm resistance and membrane resistance. Axoplasm resistance explains how fast a charge can move within an axon. The larger the diameter of the axon, the more quickly it can pass through. Membrane resistance describes how permeable the membrane is to the ion. The less permeable, the faster the propagation of the action potential. Therefore, myelination increases the membrane resistance and ultimately allows for fast propagation. In demyelinating diseases, there is little or sometimes no myelin covering the axons. In these cases action potentials will slow down or completely cease.

Is calcium a neurotransmitter?

No, calcium itself is not a neurotransmitter BUT it is highly important in the process of the action potential. The action potential triggers the influx of calcium at the end of the terminal bouton, causing the influx of Ca2+ into the cell and this triggers for the release of the neurotransmitter. :)

What was the effect of curare on eliciting an action potential?

It creates an action potential

An electrical impulse moving down an axon is called?

This is called action potential. Action potential is the change in electrical potential that occurs between the inside and outside of a nerve or muscle fiber when it is stimulated, serving to transmit nerve signals.

What is the primary action during depolarization of an action potential?

Sodium ions flow into the neuron via voltage-gated sodium ion channels, driving the membrane potential into the positive. Beyond the threshold, more sodium ion channels are opened, causing the influx of sodium further downstream, and the process repeats, propagating the action potential down the axon.

The action potential is generated when a stimulus?

When a stimulus stimulates a neuron above the threshold, the action potential is generated.