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Adrenal exhaustion, weakened immune system, tendency to be susceptible to catching contagious illnesses, a weakening in the body's ability to fend off cancer, decrease in reproductive abilities, decrease in cognitive skills, exhaustion, exacerbation of existing health conditions, heart troubles, and eventually death if the source of the stress is not dealt with. This is one of the reasons it needs to be taken seriously: our bodies were not meant to sustain the emergency state of high preparedness (fight-or-flight) for long intervals of time! Something's gotta give.

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Q: What is the long term effect of stress on the body?
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What are the long-term and short-term effects of stress on the body brain and behavior?

The long term effects of stress on the body may result in the immune system being weakened. The stress may not be all negative stress. Positive stress, such as working out and being particularly active may weaken the immune system, although not being active enough may also weaken the immune system. Too many stressors can affect the body's immune system.A short term effect of stress on the body could result in the 'fight or flight response being triggered. This response shuts down other parts of the body that is not needed in an emergency response such as a bear chasing after you in the woods. The body would simply shut down the digestion cycle in the body. This would retain energy for other responses and provide oxygen to other muscles that would need it to fight off the bear, or run away.A long term effect of stress on the brain may result in memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer's. This is caused by continuous stressors and lack of positive things in our life that may help reduce the negative stress. Relaxation among exercise is needed to maintain a healthy and proactive lifestyle.A short term effect of stress on the brain may result in learning difficulties and impair the cell communication between neurons in our brains. Cortisol is released into the brain when in a stressful situation; the cortisol dissipates across the brain and affects the hippocampus which is vital for memory creation and function. Although cortisol does not remain in the brain for long, prolonged exposure to the drug may lead to further long term affects.A long term effect of stress on behavior may result in a person being overweight and unhealthy due to not eating a healthy diet while being under stress. When a person is under stress behavior can have an effect on the mediators that increase the stress or decrease the stress. Smoking, drinking and eating excessively may be a result of a coping mechanism due to stress. However the behavior does not result in achieving the stress being lowered.A short term effect of stress on behavior may result in a person driving faster in a car due to a stressor. An example of a stressor could be a pregnant wife being rushed to the hospital. The stressor affects the behavior but this is only short term. Influences like these stressors may be positive and negative stressors. They can lead to long term stressors over time if the behavior is repeated in pattern such as smoking a cigarettes over a long period of time can lead to mediators that contribute towards cancer and heart disease.

What is the worst long term effect to body piercing?

scars and infections

How do asbestos test effect your immune system?

Exposure to asbestos will likely compromise the immune system because of the long-term stress to the body. The test for asbestos exposure does not affect the immune system.

How can long - term stress be harmful to your health?

Note: you would be better off asking a professional or specialist. Long term stress can be harmful to your body in many ways. Stress is what causes depression. Too much stress can lead to physical and emotional problems, which is why you should find ways to cope with your stress or how to decrease your stress levels.

How does the amount ot stress and tension affect both the brain and heart?

Stress has a profound effect on your ability to learn new things, because your brain is unable to store information in the long term memory. The long term affects of stress on the brain is a stroke. Stress causes pressure on the heart muscle and leads to heart diseases.

What is the term general adaptation syndrome used to describe?

General adaptation syndrome is used to describe how someone's body short and long term reaction to stress. This is to see how someone is able to handle their stress.

How does long term stress affect blood flow?

Long term stress can have a detrimental affect on physical and mental health.

What are two effects of long-term stress?

Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are probably the two most common results of long-term stress.

Is insomnia a short term effect of stress?

"Stress and depression can cause insomnia. These things will cause your mind to race and your body to stay at an accelerated rate so that you can not relax and fall asleep, creating insomnia."