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Surely 'COOKBOOK' is not fully symmetrical?

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Q: What is the longest symmetrical word?
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Related questions

What is the noun for symmetrical?

The word 'symmetrical' is the adjective form of the noun symmetry.

A sentence using the word symmetrical?

I like to learn about symmetrical lines in math class.

What is an easy word for symmetry?


What is a good sentence with the word symmetrical in it?

i like to learn about the symmetrical line

Can you have sentence using the word symmetrical?

Unlike humans starfish has different symmetrical shape. It is just like a star.

Can you use the word symmetrical in a sentence?

Molly's face is symmetrical. Everything is completely even and it makes her attractive. Symmetrical refers to the alignment of Molly's face in the sentence.

How do you use the word symmetrical in a sentence?

A heart is a symmetrical figure because it can be split and have two of the same halves. we were asked to do an assignment in which we were to find if a shaPE is symmetrical. you spell symmetrical like this: S-Y-M-M-E-T-R-I-C-A-L a square has four symmetrical lines. a moon is symmetric

How many letters does the longest word have?

1,909 letters in the longest word

Is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia the longest word in the english language?

no, pneumonoultramicroscopicosillicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word.

What word means the same on both sides?

symmetrical my friend.

How would one define the word symmetrical?

The word symmetrical is defined as an object characterized or possessing symmetry. Symmetry is defined as the exact duplication of an object on each side of a dividing line, plane or axis.

What is the longest real word ever?

The longest word in the English Language is Pneumonoultramicroscophicsilicovolcanoconiosis