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Depends on the Plane. Planes are aerodynamically designed different.

Most jet generation aircraft fly very fast and their design does not permit them to fly slow and stay airborne.

But some Slow propeller driven aircraft especially the classic two wing configurations can maintain altitude and much slower speeds but that also means they Can't fly very fast at max speed.

But you also get VTOL (vertical take and Landing) Jets that turn your question into a different argument

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Q: What is the lowest speed a plane can fly and stay in the air?
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The speed a airplane needs to go to stay in the air, depends on the plane. Each plane has different factors, such as weight, manureverability and the conditions which it is flying in.In general, the speed a plane needs to stay at, is the level of it's "Stall Speed". A "Stall", is when a airplanes engine/propeller stops moving. This gradually slows down the aircraft, which then will bring the plane lower and lower. Also the planes "Flaps", the parts of their wings that can tilt, can change the speed and how long it will travel until it will come to ground level.Google Stall Speed and the plane you are inquiring about to get the exact figures.

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because the airfoil shape makes tiny air molecules at the bottom slow down and the top speed up. The engine just pushes the plane.