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The magnification of confocal microscopes varies greatly based on the type of model. Generally, you can find them between 100x and 16,000x.

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The eyepiece has a magnification of 10X whereas there are 4 main magnifications you can adjust to 20X, 100x, 500x and 1000x. So in total, you have 200x, 1000x, 5000x and 10000x.

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Q: What is the magnification of light microscopes?
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One advantage of electron microscopes over light microscopes is their?

Higher Magnification

Are light microscopes more powerful than electron microscopes?

Yes, electron microscopes have a much higher possible magnification than compound light microscopes. An electron microscope is capable of 10,000,000 times magnification, whereas a good compound light microscope is capable of 1,000 - 2,000 times magnification.

What is magnification of the ocular?

Most light microscopes have 10X eyepieces.

What are the advantage and disadvatges of a light microscope?

The advantages and disadvantages of the light microscope relate to light, magnification and resolution. Light microscopes magnify visible light--an obvious advantage, since this is what our eyes can see. Magnification (how large an object appears) and resolution (the clarity of details) are both limited when using light microscopes.

How is the word magnification and microscopes related?

Microscopes are used to magnify. Hence, the words magnification and microscopes could be said to have a functional relationship rather than an etymological relationship.

What is the difference in the way light microscropes and electron microscopes produce images?

There compared by frist the electron micrscope the electron microscope you can cut into a cell (any) and there huge they can zoom into about 2000X.The light microscope has a light to see [other one doesn't need] and light one can only zoom to 20X.

What are the advantages of electron microscopes?

The advantages of electron microscopes are : -Higher magnification

What magnification can modern microscopes get to?


How does an electron microscope resolution compare with a light microscope?

It's much, much higher. Optical microscopes are limited - by the magnification of the lenses. Electron microscopes don't have that restriction.

How is magnification controlled in microscopes?

by the objective lenses

What types of objects can be studied with a light microscopes. what types can be studied with an electron microscopes?

Light microscopes are used to study living organism and to watch and analyze their structures. Electron microscopes use a dead specimen and are able to observe structures in great detail and with much much higher magnification. +++The electron microscope has a far higher definition and magnification than an optical microscope could achieve, but as you say you could not use it to study a living organism.

What restricts a light microscopes usefulness in studying viruses?

microbiology Its limitation for higher magnification to observe tiny objects of viruses.