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The force on the astronaut and the moon = 16.97 newtons (1.73 kilogram force)

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Q: What is the magnitude of the apparent weight of a 67kg astronaut 4400km from the center of the Earth's Moon in a space vehicle moving at constant velocity?
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Can particle with constant velocity be accelerating?

No. Velocity implies both a magnitude and a direction.No. Velocity implies both a magnitude and a direction.No. Velocity implies both a magnitude and a direction.No. Velocity implies both a magnitude and a direction.

Can an object have a constant spped and velocity at the same time?

Velocity is a vector quantity. That means it has direction and magnitude. Speed is a scalar quantity, it only has magnitude. It is possible to have constant speed and constant velocity but it is also possible to have constant speed but changing velocity if the object is changing direction.

Can a velocity of a body change its speed is constant?

No. A body with constant velocity is either stationary or going at constant speed in a constant direction. The usual interpretation of speed and velocity goes like this. A velocity is a vector with magnitude and direction. The magnitude is usually called its speed. Changing a speed must change the length of the vector and changing the length of the velocity vector has to change the velocity.

Can speed of a body change if its velocity is constant?

No. A body with constant velocity is either stationary or going at constant speed in a constant direction. The usual interpretation of speed and velocity goes like this. A velocity is a vector with magnitude and direction. The magnitude is usually called its speed. Changing a speed must change the length of the vector and changing the length of the velocity vector has to change the velocity.

Can an object have a constant speed and a varying velocity?

Yes. Velocity is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Speed is the magnitude of velocity. If speed is constant but the direction is changing, then the velocity is changing. An example is a car turning a corner without slowing down.

If a car drove a around in a circle would that be constant velocity?

No. Velocity is a 'vector', which means it's a measurement that has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude is what we usually call the 'speed'. For an object moving in a circle, it could have constant speed ... the velocity could have constant magnitude ... but there's no way the whole velocity vector could be constant, because the direction is always changing. Constant velocity is very easy to recognize ... the object is moving at a steady speed, in a straight line.

The car rounds the turn at a constant velocity of 90 mph?

If the car rounds the turn, then its velocity is not constant.Velocity is a thing that has magnitude and direction. The magnitude is what we call "speed".If the direction is changing, then the velocity is changing, even if the speed is constant.

Does velocity of an object remain constant in uniform circular motion?

Velocity is a vector with magnitude (speed) and direction. Since the linear velocity changes direction the speed is constant but the velocity is NOT constant.

What is nature of velocity in constant speed?

Velocity magnitude is unchanging at constant speed. The direction might change (velocity is a vector with both size (speed) and direction) if , for example, you are driving around a curve at a constant speed.

Can you go around a curve with constant velocity?

Yes, it is. Trajectory also depends of direction of acceleration, not only it's magnitude. When you consider circular orbit, the agnitude of centripetal acceleration is constant, but the vector directions changes every moment to point constantly at the center.

Is motion with constant velocity an example of motion with constant acceleration?

Well, technically yes, and we even know the magnitude of the constant acceleration.If velocity is constant, that tells you that acceleration is zero, which sounds likea constant to us.

Can an object have a constant speed and the varying velocity at the same time explain?

Velocity is a vector. A vector has a magnitude and a direction. The scalar or magnitude portion of velocity is speed. Velocity is a constant only when both the speed and direction are not varying. Hence, when the speed is changing, the velocity cannot be a constant.