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Q: What is the main advantage for using biological organisms to remove unwanted chemicals from the environment?
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What is exosystem?

A Biological community of interacting organisms and their environment

What is a exosystem?

A Biological community of interacting organisms and their environment

Interdependence in a biological community?

the organisms in a biological community live and interact with other organisms. they are dependent on one another and their environment.

What chemicals are biohazard?

biological substances that pose a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans.

What is cycled through an ecosystem from organisms to the environment and back again?


What is air degradation?

air degradation is also known as air pollution.Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particular matter or biological materials that cause harm or dis comfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the nature environment or built environment into the atmosphere

Marine biological factors?

Biological factors, an part of the marine environment influenced by organisms and which influences other organisms, include diffusion osmosis, active transport, and cellular surface-to-volume ratio.

What is a living factor of an ecosystem?

Is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area.

What is anything in the environment that causes a reaction or change in an organism?

Certain chemicals and radiation in the environment can cause a reaction or mutation in an organism. Such changes may alter organisms genotype or phenotype. Chemicals that induce changes in organisms DNA is called mutagens.

Definition Description of air pollution noise pollutionwater pollution?

Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm and discomfort to humans or other living organisms and other damages the natural environment.

Why is this planet so adapted to the life upon it or vice versa?

Organisms evolve in relation to the environment surrounding them often to their advantage. Organisms in water develop fins or propulsionary characteristics to take advantage of movement in water. Monkeys developed dexterity in feet to have 3rd and 4th hands to climb trees easily. Photosynthetic organisms take advantage of the sun to produce energy. Respiratory organisms took advantage of the products of photosynthesis. Evolution gives the appearance that the earth was made for us when in fact organisms just developed to take advantage of what the environment provided.

What are chemosynthetic organisms?

Chemosynthetic organisms obtain their energy directly from raw chemicals in their environment. Examples of this include tubeworms living next to hydrothermal vents.