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Q: What is the main crop of the Mayans also called corn?
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Related questions

Which crop was important to the Mayans?

Maize (corn) was the most important crop to the Mayans. It was a staple food source that formed the basis of their diet and agricultural economy. Maize was also a significant aspect of Mayan religious beliefs and ceremonies.

Do Mayans grow crops?

Yes and their main crop is corn.

What are the differences between the Mayans and the arawaks?

The mayans main crop was Maize (corn) and the Arawaks main crop was Cassava. Hope this helped... This was a social difference.

What was the mayans main crop?

maize, corn, beans, chilies, peppers, squashes, tomatoes, avocados, and pumpkin -Lawrence Salvador

What does a crop do?

The crop provides food, and like cotton, clothing. Also, corn husks can be used for making dolls, called corn husk dolls, obviously.

If corn is called crop what is oranges?

anything that is or can be grown on a field or grown by farmers is a crop.

Is corn an important crop for Detroit, Michigan farmers?

Corn is a very important crop when it comes to Detroit Michigan farmers. However, wheat is also a pretty popular crop as well.

What was the large farm in the southern colonies called?

the made rice, corn and the also grow crop!

What did the Aztecs incas and Mayas have in common?

They all grew corn as their primary crop.

What was the chief food and crop for the mayans?


What is the scientific name for starch?

More starch is produced from maize than any other crop. DENT corn, the scientific name of which is Zea mays indentata, is also called "field" corn.

What crop is the major crop in Minnesota?