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Q: What is the main function of the loosely packed cells in a leaf?
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What are the loosely packed photosynthetic cells in the leaf called?

Thylakoids. Stacks of these are called granna.

Why are cells of the spongy layer packed so loosely together?

All plant cells respire all of the time and need to exchange gases. The main gas exchange surface in plants are the spongy mesophyll cells in the leaves. Leaves have a huge surface area, and the irregular-shaped, loosely-packed spongy cells increase the area for gas exchange even more.

Why does the middle of the leaf (the spongy region) have loosely arranged cells?

The spaces between the spongy mesophyll cells permit gases to move around within the leaf. That is why they are loosely arranged.

What main function of the palisade layer of a leaf is?

it is photosynthesis i promisePalisade Mesophyll are closely packed cells that absorb light that enters the leaf.Photosynthesis is correct.

What side of a leaf are stomata located?

The lower surface of the leaf has the stomata. You can see the reason for this if you cut a leaf in half from upper side to lower side. The upper portion of the leaf consists of tightly packed cells that are full of chloroplasts for taking in light. The lower half of the leaf is made up of loosely arranged cells. This allows room for air to enter the lower part of the leaf through the stomata and contribute carbon dioxide and take away oxygen. The upper surface of the leaf is covered by the cuticle which prevents dehydration, as such the stomata cannot be located or function on the upper surface

What leaf cells are tightly packed and trap the energy in sunlight?


What is the leaf cells function?

its function is to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis

What is a large mass of closely packed leaf like bundles of nerve cells?


What is a large mass of closely packed leaf like bundles of nerves cells?


Why are mesophyll cells packed so tightly?

The upper leaf cells are tightly packed to trap the energy in sunlight.From: -Pearson Education,Inc.

What are types of mesophyll cells?

they are the objects inside a cross-section of a leaf which are loosley packed cells that give the leaf a spongy appearence.

Why spongy layer of cells loosely arranged?

So that the cell can breath.