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The most recent theory (with some evidence to prove it) is that Stonehenge was built as a monument to the dead.

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Q: What is the main idea the building of Stonehenge?
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Who had the idea of stonehenge?

The building of Stonehenge began several thousand years ago and as no written records of this time exist it is doubtful if anyone will ever discover for certain exactly how or why it was built let alone who had the initial idea. Stonehenge was built over a period of about 1500 years, and altered considerably during that time, so there were several 'ideas' at various times.

Who really built Stonehenge?

most people dont kno it, but the egyptians were a big part of building stonehenge.

Was Merlin is given credit for coming with the idea to build Stonehenge?

Merlin is a fictional character and therefore had nothing to do with the building of Stonehenge. However if you are interested in the origin of the story you need to go back to the 12th century chronicler Geoffry of Monmouth. His account of Stonehenge is written in his Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), which is still available, or a modern account of the myths which can be found in recent books on Stonehenge.

What is the mystery of Stonehenge?

The main mystery is what was it built for?

What time period did Stonehenge originate?

Exactly where it is now, Stonehenge has not been moved. But for the idea behind its desgn see the link.

Did The Picts constructed Stonehenge a primitive building of planking using the first bronze hinges?

No, the Stonehenge is a stone circle made by early Britons.

What evidence does the Stonehenge have?

The main evidence for the existence of Stonehenge is that it's still there, and you can go to the Salisbury plain and actually see it.

What languages are spoken in Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument. Nobody lives there.It is located in England, where the main language is English.

What is the main road passing near the location of Stonehenge?

The A303.

Stonehenge is one of the only surviving pieces of architecture from the prehistoric period Although there is no way to determine the definite purpose of Stonehenge what is thought to be the purpose?

For information about the building of Stonehenge and its possible purpose see the related link below.

Is Stonehenge myth or a legend?

Stonehenge is a very real thing found in southern England, but the reasons for its creation are unknown. So no, I wouldn't really consider Stonehenge itself to be a myth or legend, but the reasons for its building are probably due to the builders' religion.

How did the Stonehenge get destroyed?

Stonehenge isn't totally destroyed but some of its pillars were removed several hundred years ago to be used as building material before people realised its archaeological importance.