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"So B. It" follows a young girl named Heidi who goes on a journey to uncover the truth about her past after discovering a box of old photos and learns that her mother has memory loss. Heidi sets out on a cross-country trip to find the people in the photos and piece together her family history.

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Q: What is the main plot of So B. It?
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How does the addition of a possible outlier on PLOT B affect the center of PLOT B relative to the center of PLOT A?

The answer will depend on what PLOT A and PLOT B are. But since you have chosen not to provide that information the answer is

When did A. B. plot happen?

A. B. plot happened in 1824.

Is a plot what happens first next and last?

Not necessarily. The plot is the main storyline. For example if a books character needed to defeat an evil enemy but at one point had to do training with an unknown teacher it would be a kind of 'side story' although it does weave in with the main plot. Or the story might switch from the main character to another characters point of view so that you could see what they were doing. Again this will probably weave in with the main plot but it is still not the main plot.

What is a main plot?

The plot is what actually happens: the storyline. The sequence of events in the plot is the foundation (basis) for the story to unfold and is meant to organize information and events in a logical manner.

What are split-plot designs and nested designs?

Split-plot designs and nested designs use the same idea. However, the difference is that split-plot designs are used in experimental studies while nested designs are used in observational studies. If there are two factors (e.g. A & B) and if the experimenter adopts a split-plot design due to some constraints, such as the of lack of experimental units, then factor-A ("main plot factor") levels can be applied to the main plots, and factor-B ("sub-plot factor") levels can be applied to sub plots within each main plot. This scenario is otherwise called a completely randomized design (CRD). Here, factor-B levels are nested within each level of factor A. Also, the precision for the estimation of factor B is more than that of factor A in split-plot designs. Thus, before starting the experiment, the experimenter needs to consider which factor needs more attention and then label the main factor and the sub factor. One common mistake that the experimenter makes, when using the split-plot factor, is to ignore the importance of error terms. In split-plot design, there are two errors. The F value that is calculated for factor A uses error A, and the F value that is calculated for factor B, and its interaction, uses error B.

To discover the theme in a poem or work fo fiction you must first find the a main idea b rhyme pattern c setting d plot?

main idea

How would you describe the interaction between the a-story and the B-story?

In a properly written story, the A story (the main plot) and the B story (the emotional plot) are interwoven in such a way that you have a hard time pulling them apart. The interaction might be described as symbiotic - each needs the other to make a good story.

What is the plot of the play?

The plot of the play is the main point of a play. Each character contributes to the plot of the play.

What does the protagonist try to ensure by the end of a story A. That the plot of the story makes sense B. That the main conflict has been resolved C. That the tension has been increased D. That the a?

That the main conflict has been resolved.

The reader usually learns the who what when and where of a story during which part of the plot A Climax B Exposition C Flashback D Falling action?

B. Exposition. The exposition is where the reader is introduced to the main characters, setting, and background information of the story. It typically occurs at the beginning of the plot to provide context for the events that will unfold.

Which of these does an author reveal in an introduction to a plot?

Its "the setting of the story"

What is the main part of a story?

the plot