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That the main conflict has been resolved.

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Q: What does the protagonist try to ensure by the end of a story A. That the plot of the story makes sense B. That the main conflict has been resolved C. That the tension has been increased D. That the a?
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Tension disappears when is resolved?


When is the main conflict resolved in a story?

The main conflict in a story is typically resolved during the climax, which is the point of highest tension where the protagonist faces the antagonist or major obstacle. This resolution usually occurs towards the end of the story and paves the way for the conclusion.

The conflict in a story is based on the tension experienced by?

the protagonist

When author establish conflict the reader experiences a feeling of tension until the?

conflict is resolved.

Tension refers to the feeling the reader has the conflict is resolved?

before (apex)

The unresolved feeling the reader experiences before the struggle is resolved is?

Conflict; Tension

What is the conflict that is driving the protagonist to act?

The conflict that is driving the protagonist to act is typically a challenge or obstacle that stands in the way of their goals or desires. This conflict creates tension and propels the protagonist to take action in order to overcome it and achieve their objectives.

Authors often build tension by a conflict without revealing exactly what it is or how it will be resolved?

hinting it

Which of the following best describe the relationship between conflict and tension in a story?

Conflict refers to the central problem of a story; tension refers to the feeling the reader has before the conflict is resolved. -Good Luck with Apex :)

The protagonist and antagonist are in conflict with each other?

The protagonist is the main character whom the audience is meant to root for, while the antagonist is the character or force that opposes the protagonist, creating tension and conflict in the story. This conflict typically drives the narrative forward and is resolved by the end of the story.

What is the conflict in the short story one's a heifer?

The conflict in the short story "One's a Heifer" revolves around the protagonist's struggle to deal with her difficult mother-in-law, who constantly criticizes and belittles her. This conflict creates tension and strain in the protagonist's marriage and family dynamics.

What makes someone an antagonist?

An antagonist is a character who opposes the protagonist in a story, creating conflict and tension. They may have goals or beliefs that directly conflict with those of the protagonist, and their actions often impede the protagonist's progress or success. Antagonists can come in various forms, including villains, rivals, or obstacles that the protagonist must overcome.