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Q: What is the main religion in Mexico?
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What religion of Mexico is the main agricultural center?

NoRtHeRn MeXiCo

Why is Christianity the main religion in Mexico?

Roman Catholicism came to Mexico with the people of Spain.

What is Durango Mexico main religion?

Roman Catholicism is by far the most important religion in Mexico (88% of the population). Durango, Mexico is no exception: most people follows such faith.

What is the main reliogon of Mexico?

82.7% of the population have Roman Catholicism as their religion.

What religions diversify Western Europe?

Well, United Kingdom, Germany, and Scotland's main religion is Christianity. However, Spain's main religion is Roman Catholocism. Mexico's first (1) immigrants came from Spain, across the Atlantic Ocean by ship, and landed in Mexico. Those immigrants main religion was Roman Catholocism. So, as a result of most of the Spainards coming from Spain, and moving to Mexico, Roman Catholocism became Mexico's main religion. The reason why, I believe that Spain's main religion is Roman Catholocism, is because I have heard that Mexico's main religion is Roman Catholocism. And since, Mexico's first (1) immigrants, came from Spain, and were Roman Catholics, I believe that Spain's main religion is Roman Catholocism. The reason why, I believe that UK, Germany, and Scotland's main religion, are Christianity. Is because, way, way back, I don't know, I'd say probably the 13th, 14th, or 17th century, lots of Brits', Germans, and Scottish peoples, were NOT Christians. However, according to The History Channel, after the 17th century, British, German, and Scottish peoples, transferred their religion from whatever it previously was, to Christianity.

Who is the main goddess of Mexico?

She is not a goddess but a patron Saint, from Catholic religion: Saint Mary of Guadalupe

National religion of mexico?

Mexico has no official religion.

What kinds of religion are in mexico?

Roman Catholicism is the most practiced religion in mexico.

What are the main languages and religion of Mexico?

Both Spanish and Roman Catholicism, as they were brought by the Spanish conquistadores who conquered Mexico on the 16th century.

What religions are there in Acapulco?

The main religion is RomanCatholicism.But like everywhere else in the world, there are also a diverse mixture of other religions, such as Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism and Judaism.

What kind of religion does Mexico have?

Your moms religion!

What type of religion is Mexico s religion?
