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Plastics are almost exclusively made out of a group of organic compounds called polymers. Poly means many. Specifically it is repeating patterns of the same compound linked together.

Plastic can be either synthetic or semi synthetic but almost always starts with the prefix poly. Some examples are polyethylene, poly carbonate, and polyvinylchloride which you know better as pvc...the stuff those white plastic Plumbing pipes are made out of. The primary molecule in most plastics is a hydrocarbon. Hydrogen and carbon. And the primary source of hydrocarbons for plastics is petroleum and natural gas. So to answer your question, plastic is primarily made out of oil. That's right, your phone, tv, computer, shoes, sunglasses, silly bands, tampon applicators, Tupperware, milk jugs, blinds, car interior, furniture, and pretty much everything else in your life is made out of dirty, smelly, expensive, earth killing oil. So start wearing leather pants, and buy a fur coat. It's better for the environment and will last longer

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Q: What is the main resource that is used to make plastic?
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Is the sentence plastic is used to make these tools correct?

"Plastic is used to make these tools." Yes, the sentence is correct. It has a subject (plastic) and a verb (is used).