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the capillary's, they are based on the alveoli and they pass oxygen from the alveoli sacks through to the blood stream- ready to go to the heart and be pumped around the body

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Q: What is the main unit of oxygen exchange in the human lung?
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What is the main function for the lung?

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What are the main responsibility of the capillaries?

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The main function of respiration is the exchange of gases, namely oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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The main function of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases. It brings in oxygen and elmiinates carbon dioxide.

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The main function of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases. It brings in oxygen and elmiinates carbon dioxide.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2). It is exchanged with Oxygen (O), which is inhaled. This exchange is called the Gas Exchange and it happens in the Aveolus.

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Earthworms do not have respiratory systems. They exchange oxygen through their skin.

What happens to each of these gases in the lungs?

Two main gases exchange in the lungs: oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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Gas exchange. Those gasses being oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What is the main function of the repriratory system?

The main function of respiratory system is exchange of gases. To give out carbon bi oxide and absorb the oxygen.