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Many of the celebrations in the Southern Colonies centered around the church. One of the celebrations that was commonly celebrated in the Southern Colonies was Christmas. However, it was not the same as it is now. In Colonial times it was a celebration for the adults.

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Bacon's Rebellion was one, as well as the fact that the first settlement of Britain was there (Jamestown).

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Q: What is the major events in the southern colonies?
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What was the economic activities in the southern colonies?

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The industries of the southern colonies were fishing, cash crops, such as tobacoo, rice, and indigo.

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the southern colonies industry's is the major jobs like tobacco, rice, indigo (which is a plant to make blue die.)

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What was the main industry in the southern colonies?

The Southern colonies economic activity was mainly agricultural. Some of the main crops that were grown were rice and tobacco.

What was not a major cash crop of the southern colonies?

Rice was not a cash crop for the southern colonies but tobacco, indigo, and corn wheat were. In addition, perhaps the biggest cash crop grown in the southern colonies was cotton. The South grew to rely so heavily on cotton and the money it generated that it began to direct their society, leading to the Southern dependence on slavery.

What were the major exports of the southern colonies?

Cash crops , indigo , rice and tabacco

What were the jobs in the southern colonies?

Agriculture was the major economic activity in the southern colonies. The most important crops were tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton, the latter especially in the Deep South.