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Some of those cited are pollution, waste, conversion, and corrosion.

Releasing poisonous gasses

  1. May Release Harmful Gases : Geothermal sites may contain some poisonous gases and they can escape deep within the earth, through the holes drilled by the constructors. The geothermal plant must therefore be capable enough to contain these harmful and toxic gases.
  2. Transportation : Geothermal Energy can not be easily transported. Once the tapped energy is extracted, it can be only used in the surrounding areas. Other sources of energy like wood, coal or oil can be transported to residential areas but this is not a case with geothermal energy. Also, there is a fear of toxic substances getting released into the atmosphere.

Causing earthquakes

It has caused earthquakes. Countries that has openly reported these problems include Germany, Switzerland, and United States.

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What is geothermal and hydro power?

Geothermal is power from the heat inside the earth. Hydro is power that comes from using water.

How does geothermal energy get its power?

Geothermal energy gets its power by using heat from the Earth's interior.Most geothermal resources are in regions of active volcanism.

Where is geothermal used?

Geothermal energy is being used extensively in NZ to produce power, Many countries in the world, especially Iceland and New Zealand are using geothermal energy.

Why are only some countries using geothermal?

Only nations that are in volcanic areas are good candidates for geothermal power. So, The USA (in California) has geothermal power, and Japan. But the world leader for geothermal energy is a little frozen island with a fantastic mix of volcanoes and glaciers; Iceland!

What are two alternatives to using fossil fuels for power?

Two alternatives are Hydroelectric and Geothermal.

What are some alternatives of using fossil fuels for energy?

Wind Energy,Hydro Power, Geothermal Energy, Solar Energy.

How can geothermal be used to produce electricity?

Using a geothermal transformer

Can geothermal power harm the environment?

No. By using geothermal heat to produce power you do not need to burn fossil fuel to run generators and thereby reduce the amount of green house gases and other pollutants being put in the atmosphere.

What is a problem with using wind to produce energy?

The two major disadvantages of wind power include initial cost and technology immaturity.

What are uses for geothermal power plants?

Geothermal power plants are used for anything. Since they generate electricity by using the heat of the earth, they can be used to power communities. Anything that needs electricity could use a geothermal power plant and it is one of the cleanest forms of power generation yet. Furthermore, some large factories use geothermal heat to heat their factories. This is achieved in a similar fashion as geothermal power plants but instead of heating the water to steam underground, it is only heated enough that it does not biol. This heated water is then sent thoughout tubes around the factor and the heat dissipates into the air heating it.

What is a sentence using the word geothermal?

Geothermal energy is heat from the Earth.

A short answer to why is geothermal a renewable resource?

Geothermal energy is renewable because it is using heat for the earths "core" and water (turned to steam by the heat) to power steam turbines. Both the heat and water are renewable resources thus geothermal energy is renewable.