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Q: What is the male reproductive cell of a plant called?
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What is the male reproductive structures of a pea plant?

The male reproductive structures of a pea plant are called the stamen

What male reproductive cell?

It is called a sperm cell

What is the main source of food?

The main source of food are plants. They reproduce by the union of the egg cell and sperm cell. This is called 'Fertilization'. When this happens, the plant can form a new plant called embryo. In order to reproduce, we will need the reproductive part of a plant. The main reproductive part of the plant is the flower which has petals, sepals pistil (female reproductive part of a plant), stamen ( male reproductive part of a plant) stigma, filament and anther.

What is the male sex cell from a pollen grain called?

reproductive cell

What is gamete?

gamete is the male reproductive cell called sperm.A haploid reproductive cell that unites with another haploid reproductive cell to from a zygote.

What is male or female reproductive cell?

In humans a male reproductive cell is the sperm, while the female reproductive cell is the egg.

In males the reproductive cells are called?

A male or female reproductive cell is called a gamete. =-)

What is the union of reproductive cell from a male and one from a female called?


What is the union of a reproductive cell from a male and one from a female called?


What are male sex cell and where are they made?

They are made in the male reproductive organs (testes). They are called sperm.

Where is the male reproductive cell found?

Male reproductive cells are produced in the testes.

What is the male plant cell called?
